Chapter Twenty

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From: Trevor



Hey Trev XD


Do you wanna hang out today?

To: Trevor

Yeah. Mine?

From: Trevor

Nah. Wat about mine? Ive been mostly at urs for the last 2 mths and I want u to meet my friends.

To: Trevor

K. Where u live?

From: Trevor

*** ******** *****

To: Trevor

K. Ill get Avi to take me. C u then


"Text me when you want anything." Avi waved then drove off.

Sighing, I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Who is it?!" Someone called from inside.

"I'm Alicia. Trevors friend." I responded.

"No... sorry. You are a fan. Dont leak our adress!" There was a pause for a while then I heard Trevor. "No Connor. She's really my friend. You just havent met here."

He opened the door and a familiar face looked out from behimd Trevor.

"Hey Alicia." Trevor and I bear hugged each other.

"Sorry. We always get the same thing with fans." The familiar guy scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously.

"Its all goods." I smiled at him before realising who he was. Connor Franta.

"Im Conn-" "Connor Franta. I know of you. The girls at my old orphanage loved you." I cut him off.

"Do you know the rest of the guys?" He asked, looking weirded out.

"Nah. Only you and Trevor here." I said, punching Trevors arm playfully.

We nodded at each other before we headed to the rooms. Connor went to his and I went to Trevors.

I sat down on Trevors bed and looked up at him. I stood up fast after two minutes or so of staring at each other.

"Trev why are you being so quiet? Are you giving me the silent treatment?" I playfully tried punching me. But Trevor grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him, our bodies touching.

He stared into my eyes. His beautiful sparkling eyes caused me to follow him before his lips kissed mine. I stood there in shock for a while then I started kissing back. We ended up sucking each others faces off for a minute and we pulled away to the sound of someone walking in.

"Hey Trevor, mind if Jc and I borrow your bluetooth speaker?" The voice paused gasping. "Whos the pretty lady Trev?" A fake blonde guy with a flower crown around his head smirked at us. Our arms were still around each other.

"My girlfriend." He pecked my lips and pulling away from me.

I looked at Trevor. 'Really?' I mouthed at him. He nodded a reply back. "Guys! Little Trevor has a girlfriend!!" Footsteps came in like a herd of boys for a slut girl.

But it was a herd of boys. Im pretty sure im not a slut though. "Whats her name?" The boys asked. "Jc, Alicia, Alicia, Jc. " The boy who seemed to be Jc came forward. I put my hand out but he hugged me. Wow. He was strong.

"Kian this is Alicia. " the guy who called out for them came forward. His hand was in a 'pop it' position so I popped him. "Yep. She'll fit in just fine." Kian laughed. I smiled back at him.

Another guy came to me and hugged me. "Im Ricky. " "Alicia." I responded.

"So, Jayce, Kian and Ricky. Right?"

"Its Jc silly boo." Trevor chuckled hugging me from behind.


So Trevor asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes. But I dont know whether to tell Scott or not.

"So Alicia. What did you do at Trevors?" Avi asked, turning off the radio. "You wont tell Scott. Right?"

He nodded. I took a deep breath. "I had my first kiss with Trevor and then he asked me to be his grilfriend and I kinda said yes." I spat out, waiting for his response.

"And you havent been to school for two months..." no. Just no.

"I was sick and I was... greiving. Avi. Just please dont bring it up. I'll go tomorrow with Mitch. He's going to visit Alex after he gets my school stuff ready.

Avi pulled into the driveway and opened the door. " You can decide if you want to tell Scott about you and Trevor-" " Yeah Avi. I know. To be honest, I dont want to keep a big secret away from him. I'll tell him now."

"Tell me what?" Scott asked looking confused. "Trevor and I are... um-" "I know. I saw you two making out though the window as I was getting Panera."

Is he going to freak out about it. "You're old enough to have a boyfriend. I'm allowing you. As long his ass doesnt hurt you." He smiled, patting my shoulder.

"Thank you Scott."

"Its going to be your birthday soon. Why dont you share it with your fans on twitter or instagram?"

I pulled out my phone and took a selfie on instagram with Wyatt. And captioned it 'Birthday jitters. Only a week away from now XD' then I sent it. There were so many comments on it like 'OMG! Happy birthday!' And 'What are you going to do on your birthday?'

Hopefully not anything big though.....

Pentatonix KidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora