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Sorry about the depressing end of this story. Ricky dying in a dream- or is it real life, is horrible.

I have good news and bad news. 

The good news is, my first chapter is out now for the second book.

Its called ' My Married Life ' and I might start on the second chapter after this is published.

The bad news is.... It might not be very long. I'll be lucky to have enough time to work on it on a computer since i type pretty fast and make a longer chapter, but If its around 700 words, thats alright, right? 

I've said why in the second book and you should go read it. 

Lets just say.... there is something happy in the first chapter for those who both love PTX and O2L.

Cool beans, guys.




and all the good stuff

Lots of love...

-Liana xx

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