Chapter Twenty-one

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*a week later*

"Happy birthday!" My fabulous family sang to me. Me, being the lazy teenager I am, was still in bed at 10am.

A whole pile of presents dropped onto my lap as I got up. "Wha?"

"Its your birthday?" Mitch laughed plopping himself on the bed beside me.

"Oh yeah. Oops. I forgot. " then my phone started buzzing. I answered as soon as I read who it was.

"Hey Trevor." I said, lying down again and forgetting my family are at the foot of my bed. "Hey boo! Happy birthday!!" He yelled, making my back away until he finished yelling.

"Oww... paboya Trevor." I hissed at him in a playful way.

"Yep. You love me for it. I'm coming over with the guys in ten. See you laterrrr!" He explained.

"Alright. No surprises please. Bye Moran."

"Bye Hoying. Love ya" then he hung up.

"Was that Trevor?" Scott asked, throwing me a big box.

I caught it with ease and answered with a nod.

I opened the box carefully to find something Ive always wanted. A kitten!

"Oh my fudgin God, you didnt!" I screamed in delight, taking the small grey kitten in my hands. Its sooo tiny.

"I did," Scott laughed, stroking the kitten.

"What are you going to name her?"

"I dont know... " I drifted off, putting her down and reaching for the next box. "This ones from me." Mitch smiled at me, putting an arm on my shoulder.

I tried opening it up, but it wouldnt budge. "Here. You'll need it." A pocket knife was put on the box.

I cut it open and find a whole ton of phone cases and candy.

Omg Grassi. You're gonna make me fat.

There were pikachu cases, deathnote cases, and alot more anime ones.


"I knew you'd like them." I nodded, smiling like crazy. Kevin passed me a small box. I wanted to shake ot to see what ot was, but I might damage it.

Opening it, a black camera sat in bubble rap.

"Thanks Kev" I hugged him and unwrapped Avi's. It's pretty easy to know what Avi will get me. In the box was a little ornament. It was a small version of me on a purple glimmering dragon.

It was so pretty "where in the world did you get this Avriel?!" I gasped, inspecting it.

He shrugged. "I get around,"

Kirstin then came up to me and just hugged me "happy birthday Ali."

"And if you're wondering, you're gonna have the best birthday ever." I got out of bed, got changed and went downstairs.

Standing around in the living room were all the O2l boys. Once they saw me they ran up to me and hugged with superior force. Man was it strong.

"Happy birthday boo." Trevor whispered, kissing my nose and pulling me out from the hug


The car stopped and my blindfold still wasnt taken off. Where in the world are they taking me?

Trevor and who I think was Kian or Jc helped me out of the car. I heard screams from where we were.

Then we walked into the building and all I could hear was screaming in delight and jumping on trampolines.

Wait. I'm at Jump arent I?

Trevor took the blindfold off and I was right.

I havent been here since my parents took me!

My brother broke his arm on it though... oh well.

I turned around and hugged Kirstie. "Thank you so much Kirstie!" I whispered, then turnung back around and running into the wall trampoline.
I bounced off and flipped. Just because I havent been here for a while doesnt mean I would forget everything.

Jc grabbed me and pulled me to the long tramp.

We bounced around until the intercom spoke "Good mornimg everyone! Welcome to Jump! So every now and then we will have a 'best trick' contest every now and then and nows the time." She paused and everyone stopped to listen. "We have staff watching and they will choose who will win. There is a prize for whoever wins, so get cracking!"

Jc and I ran off to the gymnastic trampoline and jumoed about three metres in the air to get on to the tall platform. He jumped off the platform and landed on the tramp below us. As soon as he got off, about one metre in the air, he did a worm thing.

People clapped for him. But when I went to jump off, I thought a routine. A back flip off the platform, a somersault and landing in a handstand.

But as soon as I jumped, I did it backwards. I landed on my hands, launched back up, spun around and back flipped back onto the platform.

To me, before I did that trick, it seemed impossible to pull off backwards, but... I guess it isnt then.

"That was so cool! You should show me how to do that one day, Alicia."

"Dammnnn you got skillz " Ricky walked up to us. "Whatever Rickers." I laughed, pushing him into the foam pit.

Ricky laughed and tried getting out. Its so hard getting out of that foam pit.

I reached out my hand for him to grab onto, he took it and I pulled his heavy ass out.

"Thanks Ali. You're pretty strong." Thanks Ricky .

"Richard Porter Dillon. Get yo ass over here."Jc laughed, taking his shirt and pulling him. He whispered something into his ear and he nodded before going over to the other boys. They all spread it until they got to Trevor. Oh no.

Trevor came up to me and took both of my hands. Love story by Taylor Swift started playing.




Its been a while since my last authors note.

Yea. On the night before my bday Ill try to do up at least one chapter and publish it on friday. (Thursday for u guys in America) or maybe saturday. So yep. I'll be busy on Friday if you heard its my bday soon and I'm taking my friends to Jump and stuff.

Yep. Cool as beans

Lots of love

P.S- I'm makin a ff . Jc Caylen and Kian Lawley chasing a girl.

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