Chapter Sixteen

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Forth cup of chicken soup and I'm feeling alot better.

Its about 5 in the morning, and everyone except Mitch was awake. Yeah, Mitch also needed sleep. Hes the all-nighter type.

We have a rehearsal at 9 or something and I want to practice, but Avi and Kirstie arent allowing it.

I cleared my throat. "I am feeling alot better y'know. I can still perform-"

"Just wait a while. If your temperature goes down while you rest, maybe we'll let you. " Esther said, taking my empty cup to the kitchen.

Rest. Sleep? Or not do anything but sit and relax.

"Come on. You need your sleep, you've been up since... I dont know. Just- Sleep" She continued.

I took my phone off of the coffee table and scrolled through instagram for a minute or two before passing out into a deep sleep.


I woke up to the sound of screaming fans. We're on the 7th floor! How can we hear screams that loud?

Getting up, I opened the curtains. The brightness seeped through, making me jump back. So. Damn. Bright.

The clock in the corner of the room read 8:06 AM. I have an hour and a half to get ready.

"You feeling better yet?" Dad walked into the room and hugged me.

"What do you mean?" I completely forgot what happened before I feel asleep. (Aslerp XD) "You were sick?"

Then it hit me. "Oh yeah. I feel like its never happened" He chuckles and pulled away. He walked over to the window and opened it.

"There are so many fans out there. Thank gawd security is leading them away." Scott sighed deeply and closed the window.

Maybe I should get some breakfast. "Come on. Lets go get some breakfast." He walked towards me and pointed at the door. Breakfast is in our main room, so Avi and Kevins room.

We walked out together. My phone was in my hand vibrating.

I checked it.

From: Unknown

I'm coming.

U better stay alert cos im
gonna kill ur family like i did ur other

Scott luckily didnt see the text. If he did, he'd go crazy. He would call the police, cancel the tour which I was really enjoying, and protect the hell out of me.

That happened with my other family. They tried protecting me, but they all ended up dead. I hate my life...

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