Chapter One

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"All girls aged 8-16, please come to the main hall. We have a group of guests that would like to meet you." The owner stated over the intercom.

I sighed, and set my guitar down on my small single bed.

All the girls from my dorm filed down the stairs, talking about the guest, and who it might be.

Someone pushed me down the stairs.

After I rolled down very fast down the stairs, tripping some people up in the progress, I looked up to see it was Martine and her gang.

"Watch out squirt" I let the 16 year old go before me, or I'll get something worse.

Her gang contains alot of things.

A Bitch, which is Martine. A slut, Jude. A retard, Rochelle. The one that feels sorry, but has to do the same thing but doesnt want to, Dixie.

"You ok?" Dixie asked, helping me up.

"Yeah Thanks." I smiled, until her gang showed up again.

"Dixie! What are you doing? Helping this maggot is a sin!" Jude, also a cake faced bimbo, shreiked loudly.

I sighed, and walked to the main hall.

When I looked up after lining up at the end ... I saw who I thought I never would.


Avi had a dark blue beanie covering his hair, his gaming kind of shirt he had on in the 'can't hold us' music video, and dark blue jeans.

While Kirstie, a maroon skirt, and a white blouse. Pretty simple, but it looked really good on her.

Mitch... just. White v neck and jeans... just like the BajanCanadian Mitch wears.

Kevin, was no where to be seen.

Just then. He walks in.

Is it me, or are they all wearing the same clothes from music videos?

"Ok girls, be polite and tell the. Your name, age, and hobbies." The lady said.

As they all split up, going to different places, Kirstie, went to the front, Mitch, Avi and Kevin , the middle somewhere , and Scott, he came to me.

"Hi!" Scott beamed.

"Hello." I replied, smiling.

I tried not to fangirl. But it sure is hard not to.

"What's you name?"

" Alicia Roberts" I looked down at my feet.

"Don't need to be nervous, love" he cooed, putting his hand under my chin, and lifting my head up.

"Ok." I mumbled.

" What do you like doing?"

"Practicing other languages, singing," Smooth, real smooth. Scott smiled like he knew what I was thinking.

"And gaming. And maybe a bit of writing." I continued.

"Wow. That, is what I'm looking for" He said, calling Kirstie over.

"Tell her what you told me" he said, pointing to the smiling Kirstie.

"My name is Alicia Roberts, I like practicing other languages... Singing"

She smiled widely. "And?"

"Writing and gaming" I continued.

"Cool! Filipino?" She asked.

"Actually, I'm half." I stated.

He eyes widened.

"Kaon tae si Scott" she smirked.

I burst into a laughing fit.

"What did she say?" Scott said, confused.

"She said," Kirstie was still laughing.

" Scott eats poop" I giggled.

"Kirstie!!" He shrieked, chasing after her.

I watched, smirking my butt off, as they ran around, beating each other up playfully.

They came back, and pulled the other guys over.

Mitch, Avi, and Kevin came over, and stood in front of me.

"Is this the girl you picked?" Mitch asked, ruffling my hair.

Kirstie and Scott nod.

"Welcome to the family!" Kevin shrieked, picking me up.

"Um... My new last name?"

"My last name please!" Kirstie cried, making Kevin put me down.

"Alicia Grassi sounds nice" Mitch said, nodding.

"No. Guys. I found her first. My last name" he said, louder than the arguments.

"Alicia Hoying?" I said.

"How?" He said, even more confused.

"Doods, I sing, and you sing. I listen to your music" I stated.

They all nodded.

"So, you know our names?" Avi asked.

"Kirstie Maldonado, Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi, Kevin Olusola , and last but not least Avi Kaplan" I stated, pointing to each person.

"Stalker alert!" I heard martine yell.

"Shut the hell up you cactus" I snapped, then looked back at them.

Kevin was trying not to laugh, and Mitch was laughing very loudly.

"Don't say that to her, you slut!" Rochelle yelled.

" she isn't a slut." Scott went up to her, and slapped her.

She had a shocked look on her face.

People started clapping and laughing.

And Scott bowed dramatically.

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