Chapter Twenty-two

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Turns out I got the prize for the best trick. And Jc got second and some other person got third. The prize was a pass for four people to get into jump for free. I'll use this next summer.

"Remember you have school tomorrow Alicia. Same goes with you Trevor. Lets go and get you guys home."


My alarm started playing 'I don't care by Panic! At the disco.

"I don't care what you think as long as it's about me,"

I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock, making it stop the song abruptly.

Guess I have school today...

I got up slowly and went to the bathroom.

As soon as I walked in and looked at the mirror, I ran back out. "What the hell was that?!" I whispered, slowly walking back in and taking another look. "Oh. Right. Its me," I sighed. My new kitten sat outside on the edge of my bed, meowing pleasantly. "You know what, you're a boy, so I'mma call you Oreo. You are black and white, so why not?" I smiled, picking up the small animal and cuddling him for a while. I put Oreo down proceeded to the shower.

My new clothes picked out for school was already sitting in the bathroom with a towel. I turned on the shower and started humming 'Car Radio by Twenty one pilots'

I stripped down and let the warm water soothe my strained muscles.

Then I started getting paranoid. What if a hater notices me and tries to be friends and when they give me their twitter I'll know them as the hater.

Ugh. I dont know.

Turning off the shower, my legs took me to my clothes.

I put them on and looked in the mirror.

Not too bad. A rugby jersey and jeggings. And burgundy doc martens. I love doc martens . So fancy.

My phone buzzed from the corner of the room. I rushed over to it to see who would text me. The time was 6:45. EARLY.

From: Trevor
Mornin boo. Hope u had a good sleep! I'll meet u out the front of urs at 7:30. xxx

Heyyy. I did thx! I'll be ready by 7 so.. maybe come a bit early and we can hang?

After five seconds I get a reply. Trevor is a really fast texter...

From: Trevor
Sure! I'll c u soon then xxx


Trevor and I walked into the school hand in hand. People walked past us and stared until they couldnt. I dont know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.


School didnt turn out too bad actually. I had all my classes with Trevor and I loved it. Trev and I came late to nearly every class because 'I didn't know where to go and I got lost' if you know what I mean.

Yeah. We did make out in a janitors closet and didnt get caught. We're so good at hiding in different places. Well. Trevor actually.

As we walked home, hand in hand just like this morning, we started thinking about what we thought might happen in two years. "Hey Trevor, you think we'd still be together in two years?" I asked, turning my head to him.

"Yes hopefully if something doesnt stop us. You'll be 17 in two years and I'll be 18. "

"Mhm. You think we could live together someday? And, I don't know. Travel America, maybe go to the Philippines where I am from?"

"Heck yes! I have been to most of America but not all of it. We should. Very much yes."


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