Chapter 2

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* after some time i slowly opened my eyes but , feeling dizzy, my vision was blury and my ears were ringing

* the ringing slowly started to fade and i could ve heard 2 people talking , i could recognize that one of them was Paimon but who was the other i asked myself... as my vision slowly started to get to normal i could finally recognize the other person... it was... "X-xiao....?" I said out loud without realizing...

* i then closed my eyes in pain beacuse of my wounds , they were still hurting so much... it was painfull...

Xiao s pov (before Paimon found Aether):

* after Paimon came desperate in Wagshu Inn , telling me that she found Aether passed out near here I immediatly rushed after her ; outside was raining heavily as we arrived at Aether s location, I teleported him to Wagshu Inn and bandaged his wounds

* after days , me and Paimon were just talking about Aether in the same room as he was sleeping in and then i heard... "X-xiao..?"

* it was Aether! He woke up...
Both me and Paimon ran to him but he was closing his eyes again... he looked like he was in so much pain and ,for some reason, i couldn t help but worry...

* we waited a little while longer and then he finally spoke again...

Aether s pov:

* after i fell asleep i woke up and saw Paimon and Xiao sitting next to my bed looking worryed 'X-xiao... was... worryed about me..?' I asked myself then said "w-what happend...?" with a shaking voice ; my head was still a little dizzy but now i could ve hear and see normaly

* they both got up and asked me if i was ok "Aether.... ure finally awake , are u ok...?" they said

* with Xiao s help i managed to sit up and he also gave me a glass of water

* after i drank it ,Paimon gave me a hug and i hugged her back ; she asked me "where were u? We were just in Liyue, walking and , all of a sudden, u just.... disappeard!! What happend?"

*i looked down and my voice started ro shake again "I-i met Lumine..." theyre eyes widened and Paimon said "S-she did this to u...?!" ; I nodded as a tear was running down my face... i could ve seen the anger on Xiao s face ; i asked "h-how much did i sleep...?"

* Paimon looked at Xiao and he said "u slept for 3 weeks Aether..." ; I was shooked "t-three weaks?!" I said

* Paimon nodded and said "how are u feeling...?" ; i responded "my head is a little dizzy but im ok otherwise" ;
Xiao took a breath in relief

*of course i wasn t ok , my sister hated me , and even thinking about the fact that she tryed to kill me.... makes me want to cry ; but i didn t wanted them to worry so i just shut up

* 10 days have passed and both ,Xiao and Paimon helped me recover , at first Xiao was pretty distant but after some time, we became really close ,but i still didn t know one thing... 'what will i do after i recover...? The point of my journey was to find Lumine.... and now...?'

* one day , when Xiao was out to get something from Bubu Pharmacy , for my wounds, Paimon told me "hey , Aether....? did u know that Xiao was here the whole time u were asleep? He watched over u and even talked to u when i wasn t around (i saw him one day)..." she said with a quiet voice ; i was surprised to hear that 'did he really cared about me that much...?' ; "r-really..?" I asked; Paimon responded after a little pause "i actually even caught him crying with his head burryed next to u once... he was really worryed about u... And u made Paimon really worryed too! Don t do that again!!" she said with her regular voice again as i slightly smiled...

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