Chapter 8

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* in a week or less i started training again ,even tho i was still bad injured and week ,so i wouldn t lose any more stenght then i alredy lost

* Xiao and Paimon kept telling me to not overwork myself but i had to ! I had to find my sister and help her somehow

* after i recoverd (more or less) i asked evryone and i mean EVERYONE i knew if thay knew anything about Lumine but no one knew anything... i was starting to feel like id never find her ever again

* i looked for her everywhere but i found nothing! Xiao was starting to be way more distant all of a sudden too ,wich made me even more sad ; i mean he still helped me if i needed anything but he wouldn t even look me in the face...

* after a long time i was starting to gave up... on everything... i couldn t find my sister, no one cared about me... not even Xiao

* one day when i was about to do the Daily Commissions i had , like i did everyday for some reason, and i was about to decline them because i was tired of everything but then i noticed a commission that cought my eye

* it was a commission about some strage activity from the abyss that hasn t been seen before, close to the Chasm ; so i decided to accept it and i went to the location having a bit of hope for finding anything that could help me find my sister

* when i got there I didn t saw anything out of the ordinary , just some Abyss Heralds

* i tryed to take a closer look but then i felt someone pulled me back and stoped me "shhh! They are going to see u! What are u doing here traveler?" said Dainsleif as i widened my eyes seeing him after such a long time ; then i realized 'maybe he knew something about Lumine' i toughted

* "oh hello Dain, haven t seen u in a long time..." i said with a tired tone; he asked "are u alright?" And i nodded as a respons

* "why are u here tho?" I asked ; "i heard about some strage activity here so i came to check it myself, u?" i responded
"I got a commission here for the same reason, but it seems that here isn t anything starge happening so far..."

* we both decided to defeat the Abyss Heralds and after i wanted to ask him about my sister

* "um... Dain? May i ask u about something before u go?" ; "oh , sure" he responded

* then i explained to him what happend when Liyue got attacked and how i ve been trying to find her "do u maybe know anything about where could she be... or anything that would help me find her? please..."

* he looked down for a second on silence then turned back to me "i m afraid i won t be able to help much but on my way here i saw the abyss working on some kind of weird machine not far from here but i don t know what exactky was it tho"

* i quickly thanked him and went to that place imediatly

* just as i was about to arrive there i heard someone say "AETHER WAIT! Don t go there!"

I have some inspiration these days so i think i ll post a little more often ,but thank u for reding this <3

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