Chapter 17

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* i turned my head to look where Xiao showed me and i swear i almost had a heart attack

* my sister was laying on the ground coverd in blood , she looked so lifeless , i started breathing heavily and my mind was going blank

* Xiao noticed and slowly took my hand in his to calm me down a little , i held his hand tighter then i expected to , i was so scared of losing her yet i was sure that we've come too late...

* we aproached her as tears were forming into my eyes , i kneeled next to her , i didn t even realize that i was slowly freezing aswell , I couldn t even look at her anymore so i turned my back

* Xiao checked her pulse and... "AETHER!!" he screamed "SHE S STILL ALIVE!"

* hearing that i quickly turned back to her even if my vision was blurry and i was feeling numb , my whole body was shaking "Lumine... LUMINE...!" i said with the last power i had in my voice and i feel to my knees again, taking her in my arms, holding her tight "Lumine... p-please wake up soon , i ll take care of you until then..."

* Xiao and i quickly brought her back to our camp and i treated her wounds as Xiao made a fire to keep us all warm , while i wasn t paying attention to him , he left the camp for a sec and came back with some blankets "w-where did you get those..?" I asked confused ; "i saw some adventurers passing by earlier and they were still around , i asked them for some blankets" he said

* he gave me both of them but i only took one from his hands , i coverd Lumine with it , she needed it more then me

* "Xiao , take that blanket , you need it more , im ok.." i said even tho i was freezing

* he insisted that i should take it but in the end he took it after i refused him 5 times

* later on... it was just silence , nither me or him would say something, i wouldn t take my eyes of Lumine , i keept hoping that she would wake up...

* Xiao then spoke "Aether.. i don t want to say anything bad but... how do we know that it s your sister for sure..? What if she-" ; "it is her!" I cut him off with a mean tone that even i didn t know why did it came out like that

* he feel silent again after that , he didn t wanted to make Aether more worried or sad then he already was

* "i-i... sorry... i didn t mean to.." i apolagised
"it s ok Aether , i understand what your going trough..."

* after more hours of doing nothing but hoping , i was starting to lose hope until... "A-aether..?" Lumine said weakly , i rushed to her

* "Lumine! Are you ok??" she was waking up
"Y-yes... more or less...-" i hugged her tight without even thinking "I missed you so much... what happend..? How did you escape from The God..?"

* "i-i don t know.... w-wait... what do you mean...? I don t remember anything since we got separated by The Unknown God.. where are we..? And how much time had passed, it felt like yesterday...?" she said confused

* i was staring at the ground blankly in shock , 'how is that possible.. ??? D-did she list her memory...? Was the Unknown God just playing with ny mind pretending to be my sisiter...?i-'
Xiao cut me off saying "Are you sure you don t know anything?" He said shortly and with no kindness

* "Xiao!!" I said , why would he say that??

* "Aether! We don t know if she is telling the truth....!" He continued with the same tone
"She s my sister! I trust her!" I said quickly
"Yeah?! Like when she almost killed you , more then once?!!" Xiao snapped back imediatly
"I-i.. what do you mean i almost killed Aether... I-is that true..??" Lumine said even more confused then before

* i took a deep breath and glanced at Xiao "How about you take a LONG walk until i explain my sister what happend..?" I didn t really mean that but i was mad at him

* he looked like he just realized what he said and simply nodded while looking at the ground and walking away

* i told Lumine everything that happend and she kept apolagising even tho it wasn t her fault "Lumine... im just glad your ok , and that The Unknown God didn t do anything worst to you... im sorry for what you had to go trough, and for Xiao s behaviour... he didn t mean what he said , he was just concerned" i said thinking about where he could ve been rightnow

* "it s ok.. i understand,  he had his reasons not to trust me , but i think you should apolagise to him , not to me.. i ll be ok" she said with a gentle yet weak smile

* "y-your right... i ll be right back , i have to find him.." i said hugging my sister once again before going

* some time later i was searching for him when i saw him sitting close by on a cliff , his eyes were red aswell.... 'did he... cry..?' , i walked up to him and said awkwardly "i-it s getting late... let s go back to the camp..."

* he just nodded without looking at me , like he was trying to hide his face but i let him be and we went back to the camp

* since it was almost night Lumine was asleep when we got back , the sky was covered in stars already

* Xiao satdown still unable to look me in the eyes , i knew he wanted to say something but he kept himself from doing so for some reason

* "Xiao... " i said looking down , he didn t replay ; i sat down next to him "i-im sorry... for yelling at you and for telling you to leave... i kno-" I started "No... i should be sorry... im sorry i was so suspicious of your sister, i do trust you but i just wanted to make sure you are safe... i don t want to lose you Aether..." he said still looking away

* "i know... and i understand that now , but don t worry , it is my sister , i just know... but... im glad to have you here with me , it means a lot... i don t want to lose you either Xiao..."

* "i promise i won t doubt you anymore... i believe you..." he said looking at me this time

* "it s ok... i might be wrong sometimes" i said coming closer to him and laying my head on his shoulder

* "i ll be here for you , even if your wrong or right..." he said and put his arm around me , hugging me softly

* i smiled warmly and so did he 'i missed seeing his smile'

* he coverd me too with the blanket he had on and we fell asleep like that around the fire

Hiiiiiii , done with this chapter tooo , i have lots of ideas and the next chapter will be here soon aswell , and pleaseee comunicate with me moree , i want to know your reactions , and also tysm again for reading,  and you don t have to coment if you don t want to lol , sorry , do as you wish
Anyways , byeeee <333

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