Chapter 24

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Aether s pov :

* suddenly it all went black and i passed out

* i woke up feeling dizzy and i tried to look around but.. i couldn t see anything , i was surrounded by darkness

* i could hear my heart beating fast in the endless silence, something wasn t right 'where am i...? What is this place?'

* i begun to walk ,then it slowly turned into running 'please just let me get out of here...!'

* i then went back to walking since i was tired,and stopped walking after a while , the silence was so loud , it felt like i was going insaine.. 'i have to find a way out of.. this'

* suddenly i heard a voice behinde me and i imediatly turned around with a little hope

* "AETHER!" i saw Xiao standing in front of me , his eyes where fully black and his voice was harsh
"What are you doing? You think you can just run away from everything..?"
He started glitching and turned into Lumine , with black eyes aswell
"Ha ha! How foolish of you to think you can escape from the problems YOU caused!"
She said and laughed like a psychopath, they were glitching, one second i saw Xiao ,the next Lumine

* "N-no... NO.! S-STOP THIS.. please... stop it...!"
"You can t just let me go... you did this!" they said while I feel to my knees shaking and holding my hands on my head with my eyes tightly closed

* but that didn t work , even if i closed my eyes i could still see them , then the glitching stopped on Xiao , suddenly he was all coverd in blood "This is your fault Aether..." he said with the same harsh voice

* for a slight second , Xiao s eyes turned to normal and i heard him quietly saying "Aether..."
It was his usual voice, it wasn t a mad tone anymore , it was his soft tone that he would usually use when talking to me before

* even for that slight second where i didn t had time to react or process what was happening... hearing his voice brought back my hope that he would still be alive... just trapped...

* then everything went back to darkness
"H-he s right.. it s all my fault... Why can t everything just solve itself... im tired of this.. of life... im tired of fighting...!" tears formed into my eyes again 'And now you are crying again... great!' but the tears didn t least.. it was like i didn t had any more tears to cry.. i couldn t feel anything... 'n-no.. no.. no..! I.. need to feel something... anything!'
I started laughing still in tears and the laughing slowly turned into screams

*i looked at my hands that were shaking and saw blood , i looked again.. 'h-huh... i swear i had blood on my hands a second ago... now there s nothing... am i really going insaine..?!'

* it took me a moment to realize that i was out of the dark place and back in Mondstadt 'What am i supposed to do now...?
Do i.. go back.?
NO i can t do that..! Lumine probably hates me now... i was too mean to her , she just wanted to protect me..' i sighed
'I don t really have a choice'

* i got back up on my feet , almost falling because i haven t eaten in a long time , then i noticed a sudden pain in my right thigh 'oh no.... fuck , i forgot to bandage my cuts last night... now im bleeding...'

(Im sorry for so much angst,sh,depression and anything else😭)

* i took a deep breath , got my shit together and decided to go back since i didn t have another choice

Lumine s pov :

* 'I have to find Aether..! He s angry and not in the best condition.. I have to-'
Then i heard the door
"AETHER!! YOU RE BACK!" I ran to him and stopped before him
"I-im so sorry i said all that.. im sorry.. please forgive me..! I know you probably hate me but-"
"I don t hate you... i-i exaggerated too... im sorry.."
we looked at eachother and hugged "Can i.. trust you again..? Honestly?" he asked as his grip around me tightend
"I promise! Im sorry i lyed to you..."

Aether s pov:

* "Can you still comunicate with her?"
I asked hoping to find a way to get to her

"I think so.. im not sure tho , it didn t work last night.."

"Well.. maybe im wrong and probaly just going crazy.. but... i think Xiao is still alive... somewhere.. because i had this weird dream earlier , if it was a dream in the first place , but i heard and saw him for a second..."

"I don t think he s dead... he might be controled by her"

"Controled or not... there is still hope that i can find him, right...?

"I can t be sure but there is a big chance..!"

"I hope so..."

* we both stayed silent for a memoent then Lumine noticed the blood that got trough my pants from my right thigh

"W-what happend to you..? Did you get hurt , did someone hurt you?"
she asked concerned

"N-no... im fine , it s nothing really.!"

"But you re bleeding..!"

* i sighed "Ok ok.. i ll just go wash it off then , don t worry..."
she didn t said anything more tho it was clear on her expression that she wanted to ask why was i bleeding , i then went in the bathroom where i bandaged my cuts

* she was still waiting for me when i came back "Im alright... see?" I said pointing at me pants "It was just a scratch... yeah.."

* "Well im glad you re ok.. im really sorry for earlier and for everything but i promise i ll help you find her and get Xiao back safely!"

"Thank you Lumine..." i said and smiled slightly

"I missed your smile" she said and smiled back

Hii ^^
So i know it s short and probably some parts don t make sens (i ll explain if needed), and sorry that i mentioned sh and other things, but who doean t like angst , right?
Yeah anyways, tysm for reading <33
Have a nice day ^^

|Here For You| :xiaoaether &lt;3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя