Chapter 14

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* it was just another usual night , we were in a small forest where we decided to camp in over night, the stars were shining brightly and there were just a few cloudes on the night sky , it was a quiet night; i was awake , watching over Aether just like every night ;

* but something was off... it was a little too quiet , i could ve felt that we weren t alone

* 'Maybe im just too worried....' i toughted to myself then let the sleep take over me

* after a small while i woke up by hearing a small cracking sound next to us ; i stood up and looked around , i knew that something was clearly not right

* i wasn t far from Aether was (he was sleeping and the nighmare thing, yk-) when i looked back i saw some weird monstars, that i couldn t see well since it was the middle of the night , that were about to attack Aether but happily i managed to block it s attack in time and protect Aether, i scolded myself at least a thousand times for not watching over him , he could have gotten hurt because of me

* it wasn t too hard to defeat the monstars and right after i was about to rushed to Aether to make sure he was alright

* but just as i was walking in the dark towards the sleeping Aether that wasn t too far from were i was standing , suddenly the last monster that somehow i didn t notice stabbed me in the left side of my stomach , i quickly killed the last monster and checked if there were any other monstars around

* i didn t go back to sleep, at first i didn t really felt much pain but after a little while , the pain was getting worst and i realized i was bleeding... a lot...

* i knew Aether would worry so i quickly coverd  it up so he wouldn t notice 'it ll heal eventually... right...?'

(Btw , " - is when they talk out loud and ' - is for in theyre mind if you didn t know-)

* it s been 2 days and  Aether didn t seem to notice anything so i just tryed to ignore it , even tho it wasn t easy...

* i didn t wanted my mistakes to stop Aether from finding his sister faster

* we ve been exploring for months and we found nothing about his sister , but we weren t going to give up so easily , we will serch until we find at least a sign of her

* after a few hours of exploring , we were just walking and looking at the black sky coverd in stars while talking about random things

* i haven t been feeling too well the past days , and the wound was getting just worst by the day ; now , i was feeling kinda dizzy and cold , while Aether was looking at the sky , i was holding onto the left side of my body , trying to stop the blood that just started dripping again from behinde the scarf i was wearing to cover up the wound

* at this point i was hardly even walking , i knew i needed to do something about it but i couldn t bring myself to bother him

* "w-why is it so cold here...?" I said right before i passed out to the ground

Aether s pov:

* i suddenly heard Xiao talking and i noticed that he didn t seem ok from his voice so when i turned back i saw Xiao falling to the ground unconscious

I know it s shorter then i expected but i will do another one sooner or later, and i just realized i have no idea where this story is going , when it ll end or how , but i ll continue it anyway , sorry again , ty for reading this short chapter and the next one will probably be as long as this one btw , have a nice day/night <3

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