Chapter 20

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Hiii so- ik it s been some time , even tho i said i ll post soon , i just wasn t in the mood of writing bc i updated a lot in december and i needed a break and other things too so yeah but im pretty sure that it ll take me some time to post again after this chapter , im not saying another month but im not sure , so yeah ;
sorry if the last chapter wasn t too interesting , i wasn t feeling too well and yeah , angst it is

Lumine s pov:

* i rushed outside a little far from the city and quickly summoned a portal and entered it

* it looked as if she already knew that i was coming here... she probably did anyways... ugh!

"I was expecting you to come here dear.." the Unknown God said while looking down at Lumine with an evil smile

* "you said you wouldn t do anything to my brother!!" I said ignoring what she just said

"What an attitude..." she said quietly "and i did as you said , is there a problem with your precious brother?" she said as if she was innocent

"You know what im talking about! Stop trying to act like you had nothing to do with whatever is happening with his friend or whatever he is , Xiao! I know you did something to him. I don t know what but i know it was you!" I continued annoyed

* "hm... that short boy... oh yeah! I poisoned him!" she said with a big smile

"You did WHAT??! , Do you know how much Aether cares about him? UGH! What even is your plan?? So i pretended to be hurt , acted like i lost my memory and he believed me. Now what?"
I asked confused

"Do i look like i care about his feelings? Poisoning him is part of my plan , you don t have to know the rest , i ll take care of everything else, you just have to make sure that your brother doesn t suspect anything!"

"And DON T hurt Aether! I don t care about the other one.." i reminded her

"Yes yes i know!" she mocked me

* she then opened another portal for me , and i had to walk back to the city 'Couldn t she just make a closer portal?! It s a long way...' ; i kept walking in the night,  it was silent...
'Why was i even doing this in the first place..? Aether is going to hate me forever when he will find out i betrayed him like that....' i sighed , 'but im doing this for my good... our good , so what if i helped her to destroy this sad and useless world , i don t care , she promised that if i help her , then she won t hurt us and she will let us go from this SHIT world!! I hate it here...' i got lost in toughts on my way back
'I don t want this... what am i doing.... this world did nothing wrong... these people are innocent.. and if the God wouldn t have taken me and Aether s powers.. we could ve defeated her... but it s too late now... at least we ll be safe... i hope im doing the right thing...'

* i finally arrived back and i entered the door of our room or whatever it was, apartament or THING..

* i saw Aether sleeping peacefully while that Xiao was still holding his hand.. he looked weaker then the first time I met him.. like he was sick , 'why do I even care?!' ;
'Guess now it s my turn to sleep on the couch...'

* i tried to sleep for hours.. i couldn't-
'It s too late now! I should stop thinking about this... BUT I CAN T... why am i like this... i hate her for controling my mind... i almost killed my brother because of her... b-but i guess this is the only way to protect him... and myself...' i tought before looking at the ceiling for 2 more hours then finally falling asleep

Aether s pov :

* i woke up really early for some reason , i saw Lumine sleeping in the most random position on the couch and Xiao qlmost fqlling off the bed even tho he was previously sleeping on the part to the wall , fuck knows how he got here

* it was around 5 am and i decided i d go for a short walk too since i needed some air , a lot of things had happend and i m was just trying to keep sane... i felt so overwelmed and i was worried

* i was walking around the Cathedral and i looked at the Barbatos Statue , i saw.. 'Venti...?'
He was sitting on the statues hands

* i climbed my way up to him and said "hi , mind if i join you..?"
"Oh, Traveler..! Haven t seen you in a while , sure , i like your company" he responded in his usual tone
"Yeah.. i haven t been in Mondstadt in a long time... i missed it" i said feeling like i should ask him about the God but something was telling me that he won t know anyway
"Um... Venti..? May i ask you something..?"

"Well of course! What is it Aether?"

* i explained to him the most recent events that had happend and asked if he knew anything about her

"Im sorry to disappoint you, im happy you found your sister but... i ve never heard of this Unknown God you told me about... she must be from another world i suppose.. , if you need anything else i ll be around here , i ll take my leave now , i hope you find what you want traveler... byee" he said and left in the next moment

* i thanked him and took my leave aswell... it was time for me to go back to Xiao and Lumine

* when i got there , they were both still asleep in the exact same position, well- Xiao somehow managed to fall off the bed but hasn t woke up ,he was too lazy to go back on the bed-

Soo... ik this isn t an interesting chapter , nither angsty or smt , idk , but i hope you like the last chapters i wrote bc even if i don t really want to , i feel like i ll need a break since i have a lot of things that i need to take care of and other stuff , but tysm for leaving comments and for anything really , i ll write again , i promise,  just not TOO soon , idk when , but yeah ,
Happy New Year btw <3
Ty for reading ^^

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