Chapter 11

518 11 1

Aether s pov :

* after i entered that portal i was in some strage place , it was kinda dark too ; i looked around and i saw lots of portals but i couldn t see where they go

* then i realized... oh no , the portal! It s closed...! And Lumine isn t even in here ; 'there s no way i could guess in wich portal she went... There are so many portals! And i don t even know where they go'

* i was starting  to panick 'how can i know where these portals go, guess it?!' ; then i had an idea 'what if i use my Elemetal Sight , maybe that will help somehow'

* i used my elemental sight and now i could see where every portal was going , they wehere going in lots of places of Mondstadt , Liyue, Inazuma, and places from other nations too

* and i could see everything that was happening at the moment , 'was Luimne watching my everystep from here...?'

* i was looking around if i could find her step prints but i couldn t find any

* 'wait... what if she entered the portal and got somewhere else from where i got..? Maybe she wasn t even here in the first place..!'

* i was just thinking when , suddenly , i heard something from behinde me ; it was a portal , a new portal!

* someone entered from the portal... it was 'Lumine...?'

* maybe i could finally talk to her , the real her(not the Unknown God)

* when she noticed me she quickly pulled out her sword pointing it at me

* "please... i just want to talk..." i just couldn t bring myself to hurt her... it was my sister that i was hurting after all

Lumine s /Unknown God s pov :

Lumine s pov:

* "Aether!!" I shouted trying to take over The Unknown God s power of beeing in my head

* he looked at me surprised and i said "please don t let her hurt u again!"

* he was staying silent with a worried expresion ; "i can get her out of my head mostly but it will take a little longer to get her out of my head fully! P-please...!"

Aether s pov :

* she was glitching between her personalities again, i didnt know what to do... should i trust her or... O DON T KNOW , how can i be sure Lumine was the one talking..?!

* she opened a portal and said "i can do this , and i can t let her hurt u again! Go... NOW"

* i wanted to help her but i couldn t do that in any way , so i nodded with tears and said "please don t let her hurt u either! I would never forgive myself if u get hurt because i couldn t help u..." and i entered the portal she opened that closed right after i got to the other part

Sorry it s short again but i ll continue it really soon , like in some days , ty for reading it <33

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