Chapter 4

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* after i finally fully recoverd , i decided to tell the archons what Lumine wanted to do

* but i insisted not to hurt my sister , i still wanted to understand why she wanted to do such thing

* one night , i was just laying in my bed , still at Wagshu Inn when i fall asleep with a strange feeling ; when i opened my eyes again i was feeling dizzy and numb then i realized i was in the same place where i met my sister when she tryed to kill me

* i was scared of what might happen this time; then i started to hear some voices in front of me , behinde ,from the sides.... EVERYWHERE !
I was holding my sword shaking when i started hearing Lumine s voice above the other voices , calling my name

* "AETHER..." i heard from behinde and turned around to see Lumine with a mad expresion; she was looking down angrily then pointed her sword at me ; "Aether... last time u managed to escape... but this time... I'LL MAKE SURE U WON'T SURVIVE !"

* "LUMINE PLEASE! I DON T UNDERSTAND , WHY DO U WANT TO KILL ME , I WAS LOOKING FOR U FOR SO LONG" ; she then jumped to attak me but luckly i was able to avoid it and we battled until i felt someone tapping on my shoulder , it was Xiao

* then i woke up realizing it was a dream.... more likely to a nighmare...
I was still shaking ; Xiao saw that and hugged me tight , after a small pause i hugged him back still shaking a little ; he then said "u had a nightmare... didn t u....?" ; i nodded looking down , and i asked him to stay here for the night because i felt safe with him around

* he then nodded and gave me another hug to calm down and said "Aether....? Where did u get these bruises?" then pointed at my arm
"I-i got these when i was fighting with Lumine in my dream.... or wait... that means.... IT WASN T A DREAM ?! I dont understand , how could that be posible ?! I mean u woked me up so it means that i was also here... it doesn t makes sense at all!!"

* as Xiao was trying to calm me down again Paimon came in panicked and said "AETHER!!! XIAO!! THE ABYSS IS ATTAKING LIYUE !!"
i looked at her and panicked the i told Xiao to teleport us to Liyue Horbor (where the battle was taking place)

* he did and just as we toughted the battle was over i heard Lumine s voice saying "Its over Aether... the Abyss will win...!" and with that she appeared behinde me and was about to stab me in the chest when i felt Xiao s hand pulling me away just in time

* i turned to see Xiao s face boiling with rage ; at that moment the Abyss apeared again with double the troops

* the battle was even harder now and everyone was exhausted but we couldn t let them win ; i was fighting with my sister and i got hurt pretty badly ,trying not to hurt her

* as she was bearly hurt , i was struggling to stay on my feet ; i knew she wouldn t give up until i was dead so as i was defending myself , i accidently hurted her arm giving her a scar on the right arm ; she then looked in my eyes and saw i was crying as i was holding my sword as tight as i could and asked "Lumine... w-why are u doing this...?"
Her eyes filled with tears and she fell on her knees and dropped her sword

* As i was trying to say something , all of a sudden she looked like she got electrocuted and she said panting "A-aether... it s not me... I-it s the Unknown God... she is using my body to destory this world ; to destroy us..." I also fell on my knees hearing that and hugged her tight and said "I ll help u to escape from her! I promise..." then she got 'electrocuted' again and when i was about to pull away i felt a sharp pain in my chest; she stabbed me... not so deep but it hurted like hell and i heard her say
"(Unknown God): i told u that u won t survive this time
(Lumine): A-aether!!! NO"
she lookd like she was glitching between her personalities (the Unknown God and Lumine)

* i was getting colder and colder ; i toughted it was the end... I had tears in my eyes and i was bleeding a lot ; Lumine(The Unknown God) teleported away from there as i looked behinde to see that the others were winning and i toughted 'at least Liyue is safe...' and i passed out in pain

Spoiler: Aether won t die dw <3

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