Chapter 25

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* the next day, we wanted to try and see if Lumine was still able to contact her

"This is our only chance... if this doesn't work..."

"Let s not give up just yet..!" Lumine said trying to cheer me up a little

"You re right"

*she used the bit of power she had left and made a portal that wasn't quite stable but it was working at least

"Please be carefull... if she finds out..."

* we entered the portal , we were in the void where i was before... tho this time... there were thousands more portals... it was scary... as i was looking around shocked, Lumine grabes my hand and went into a specific portal that was somehow different from the other ones

* "Quick! Follow me"
she said as we rushed trough a hall that looked like we were between multiple universes

* "i will try to make her free Xiao , i ll come up with something, but if it doesn't work... we ll have to find another way... you have to try and find him while i talk to her since i don t think this will work out if i talk to her, but... let s try!"

"Alright... but please be careful.. I don t want to lose you again..."

* we then split up , i started searching and she went into another portal

Lumine s pov :

* i arrived in the place i wanted but... she wasn t there...? 'Where could she b-'

"Well hello..~"

"I-i.. Hello!" ; the moment i heard her voice my heart left my body 'omfg where did she- ugh anyway'

"Haven t showed up here in a long time... What brings you here...?"

"I- i wanted to ask you to free Xiao or whatever his name was..!"

"And why would i do that my dear?~" she then laughed ironically

"W-well.. uhh..." i couldn't think of anything ; "Oh , because i think he will be able to help me convince my brother!"

"And how would you convince that brat to help you?"

"I will lie to him! I have everything planed out.."

"Hm... is that so?.." she turned her back at me and made a pause ; "very well then! But you better be careful of what you do... and make sure you know what you re doing!"

Aether s pov :

* i looked around for a while, nonenof these portals where going to where Xiao was , i had a bad feeling...

* i then saw a portal that had a starge aura , it was fading.. 'maybe here...?'

* i walked in "Xia-" i was about to scream but realized it was a better idea not to

* 'oh god.. i can t believe it s you... i missed you so much...' there were some kind of bubbles of elemental energy that had a red aura , they were kinda transparent, the place was filled with this kind of bubbles, Xiao was floating in one, his eyes were slightly open but black

* he moved then , his eyes widened and he looked around "w-who s there?!" He seemed panicked... and scared... "stay away...!"

* i couldn t hold it anymore "Xiao..." i said quietly as tears formed in my eyes

* he looked like he heard me "A-aether..? I-is it really... you...?" His voice softened and he looked around again , he couldn t see anything but he could hear me

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