Chapter 26

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*Lumine looked at me "Are you ok...?" ,we were both tired from running and collapsed to the ground

* "I lost him... again... we were so close...!!" i said both sad and angry

"We will get him back , i promise! We just have to... find another way..."

"But what if we don t find another way... what if he s gone forever this time.. and it s all my fault! Maybe it would be better if i just never existed , i make everything worse.. if i never came here , none of us would have to go through this.."

"No... it s not your fault... if it is anyones fault, it s hers!"


* i didn t respond to that even tho she was right...

* we went back to our 'home' and tried to get some rest , feeling disappointed

"Lumine...?" I said quietly, trying to see if my sister was awake

* she didn t respond, so i understood she had fallen asleep , so i got up and went outside , it all felt so suffocating, and i couldn t take it anymore

* outside was raining a bit , the rain was warm... but lonly.. i took a walk around the city just like i used to , i felt both relief and guilt... i was so glad to know that he is still alive (hopefully), but knew that if i was fast enough, i could've saved Xiao... right..?

* 'maybe... i... i just need a break...' i shook my head and looked down , i was sitting on a roof , soucking wet
'I can t just take a break... as much as i want to just... don t think about it anymore and be free.... from the guilt and the pain... i can t , i know i have to do something, to try and.... and end all this... to have Xiao by my side again...'

* i looked up at the sky , the rain was starting to pick up.... i sighed 'i should go back...'

* i got off the roof, and i was about to go back when it started to heavily rain "oh shit..."

* i then went back home

Xiao s pov:

* it was dark around me , i was in that dark and lonely bubble again ,floating.. i realized that for some reason, she couldn t go out of this place... 'so that s why she needed Aether s sister to change his mind..! She can t go into Teyvat! But... how is that possible... isn t she a god after all..?

* as i was lost in my toughts,  i heard somone enter this place (idk what to call it) , since i couldn t see because of the power she used on me ,i couldn t do anything to protect myself "w-who is this?!"

"Just me...~" she said as if she was so innocent..

"What do you want from me?? How long are you going to keep me in here?!"

"As long as i want to! Im keeping you here because i need that stupid brat to help me! And i need you alive for that.... so why don t we make a deal?~"

"A deal? With you?! Never!!"

"Listen... if you accept.. i will... let Aether live after my plan is done! If you don t agree.. , he dies. It s simple, really!"

* i fell quiet... i had no power to do anything to protect Aether.. Maybe i can agree and pretend to help her with whatever she planned and tell Aether about it... would it really be that easy.? No.. of course it wouldn t , she would suspect that...

"Soo..? What is your decision...?"

* i sigh

"You promise to let him go after...?"

"I always keep my
word dear~"

"I... -"

Aether s pov:

* i got 'home' and saw Lumine still sleeping.. she seemed peaceful ,so i decided not to wake her up

* i myself went to sleep , i felt somehow at peace too.... it was strange... nothing around me should bring me peace, but... here i was , i fell asleep quickly

* the night was quiet ,only the wind was heard through the branches of trees , almost the whole city was asleep , the full moon was shining on the night stary sky , slightly covered by clouds..

* the window was open right next to my bed , i was sound asleep, feeling a small breeze go through my hair that was untied at that moment, everything was so quiet , unusually quiet, but peaceful..

* a dark figure slowly and silently appeared on the edge of the window , dark yet forming such a beautiful scenery standing in front of the moon ,looking down at my asleep figure for a mare moment.. its shadow laying over me in the moonlight.. it felt safe...

* the figure disappeared just as it came , in a silent and slow manner, like it was never there in the first place , leaving a few traces of a dark blueish sparkle behind

* after a moment, i woke up, i looked around the room for a bit ,seeing Lumine sound asleep and nothing different besides her abnormal position of sleeping, i was about to go back to sleep when i caught something with the corner of my eye.
I glanced over at the edge of the window , seeing the dark sparkle that was fading rapidly, i tried to touch it , but it was already faded into dust and soon left to be nothing , i sat up in bed and went closer to the window, just admiring the night sky and the full moon for a moment..

Hiii <33
Im so so so sorry that it took me so long to post this chapter and that it s so short , but i had some important exams, and yeah
But now i can finally write again , but i can t really tell if the next chapter will appear soon tho , im a bit out of ideas too but for now i have an idea but anyway , tysm for reading , see you <33333

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