Chapter 19

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Nvm he was in Mondstadt and everything but not in Dragonspine,  yk , sorry if it s confusing

* the next day , i woke up alone , i was covered in the blanket and i wasn t falling off the couch anymore , i also saw Lumine still sleeping

* 'where could Xiao be...?' I walked around the small room we had , i looked in the bathroom and my heart stopped for a moment

* i saw blood... and all the things in the bathroom beeing messy and some of them on the floor

* 'Xiao.... XIAO...!' i looked around the whole place , Xiao was nowhere

* i woke Lumine up , she didn t seem to know anything...

* i told her to be carefull and i left to look for Xiao... again..

* it was pretty early so not many people where around... almost not at all

* i looked everywhere , then it hit me ; i saw some traces of blood and there he was , on the same roof of last night

* i rushed to him "Xiao! Are you alrigh-" , "Aether! Don t come closer...!" He said panting , i looked at him , he had one red eye , and i don t mean like crying , his eye color... was red...

* "w-what happend..? A-are you ok..?" I asked concerned

* "LEAVE AETHER!" he shouted in tears

* i wasn t going to leave him alone like this,  there was clearly something wrong with him... "i m not leaving you alone like this..!"

* he was shaking and i came closer to him , he was about to attack me but he stopped himself just in time, i pulled back a little ,almost falling off the roof but he cought my hand and pulled me close , his eye wasn t red anymore..

* his hands were still shaking and i noticed that his arm was scrached pretty baddly , blood dripping from his wound

* he was holding onto me tightly "A-aether... im sorry... im sorry... im sorry... i swear i didn t mean to hurt you... a-are you alright.. ? Im sorry..." his voice was weak..

* "yes im ok... but what happend just now...? Are You alright...??" I looked at him and then at his new wound

* "..." ; "i-i don t know what is happening... i feel so angry out of nowhere and i become so aggresive and i feel like i want to... hurt you..." he had tears in his eyes again , "im so sorry... p-please believe me... id never want to hurt you... i m sorry... p-please don t hate me... im sorry..." he kept apolagising over and over... at this point i knew he was telling the truth , he would never hurt me , no matter what...

* he hugged me tightly , he was shaking and crying , he never really cried like that in front of me before... his every breath was heavy , and i could feel his heartbeat getting faster by the second...

* "Xiao.. it s alright... i know you would never want to hurt me... im just glad your ok... i was worried when i saw you weren t there... and the blood in the bathroom... and now this... , i know that you d never do anything like this... i-i don t know what s happening... but i promise i ll find a way to cure whatever is happening to you..." i said hugging him back

* he wasn t able to speak anymore.. he just held onto me without letting me go... he needed me there for him... but i didn t know how to help him...

* "y-your bleeding... we should go back and treat your wound Xia-"
"No! W-what if i hurt you or your sister...? I d never forgive myself..." he said still holding onto me

* "it s gonna be alright,  i promise we ll be carefull... i can t just leave you here..." i said trying to calm him down

* he took a deep breath and finally agreed after staying silent for a few seconds

* we went back to where we were staying , Lumine was waiting for us , she cleaned the bathroom while we were gone

* i helped Xiao bandage  his wound , he wasn t crying anymore... but i could tell he wasn t anywhere near ok

* but i was surprised by Lumine s behaviour... i mean i knew she didn t know Xiao that much and probably didn t liked him too much either bc of what he said the other day and in the mountain... but she looked like she didn t give a single shit about him , and she didn t seem to care how worried i was either... 'im just overthinking this...'

* after i bandaged Xiao , he fell asleep , 'i guess he didn t had a really good sleep either..' , i put him in the only bed we had in the room , i stayed by his side the whole day , i ve never seen Xiao like this, it was clear now that something was going on , and i had to do something about it

* he would wake up from time to time , and once he saw i was sitting there next to him , he would take my hand in his and fall back asleep , it was like he was sick.. but worst.. he s never been like this before... and it made me worried

* at first i wanted to ask Venti if he knew anything about the Unknown God, hopefully he will tell us more then when i asked about my sister , but bc of what happend to Xiao , we just stayed in the same point and we just went trough the day with a sleeping Xiao and a bored af Lumine

* to be honest... i was a little scared that Xiao might happen to suddenly wake up and become aggresive again... but i wasn t scared to be hurt ,i knew how to protect myself after all.... but.... i was scared for him , just looking at how weak he felt and how sick he looked made me worried...

* after a while, Lumine said she ll be going out to take some air and i remaind inside with Xiao

* a bit after she left i went around the room to find something to eat , Xiao then woke up and asked if my sister left
"Y-yes , she went on a walk just now.. why?"

* "p-please don t get mad at me b-but i think she has something to do with what is happening to me... maybe im wrong... but please be carefull..." he said in a hesitant and sleepy tone

* "im not mad Xiao... it s ok... we'll see what to do.." i said without mentioning anything about Lumine

* he then took my hand again and fell asleep... again... , i didn t wanted to agree with him , but i had a starge feeling about her too... the way she talked and just everything she would do... wasn t in her character.. at all..! Even after so much time... something was different about her... "even if i don t want to accept it... i think your right Xiao..." i said to the clearly not hearing me Xiao

Tbh i wasn t expecting a new chapter so soon either but i had this idea last night after i had a whole ass panic attack , but that  doesnt matter :>
Anywayssss , ty for reading this chapter <3333 , also dw , new chapter soooon , byeee ^^

|Here For You| :xiaoaether &lt;3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora