Chapter 9

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This will be Xiao s pov (starting since Aether said he was distant)

Xiao s pov :

* after what happend with Aether when Liyue got attacked, i realized i cared for him a lot... 'no! No no no no no , this can t happen again! I got atached to him , i want him to be safe , i want him to be happy , to protect him but if i get too atached again i will lose him too sooner or later... i can t get atached , not again! I will make him suffer even more... and i would never forgive myself if that happens because of me!'

* i knew he just wanted to find his sister after all and i only bothered him so i decided it would be better to stop botheing him

* i tryed to stop caring so much but i just couldn t stop thinking about 'What is he doing?Is he ok? Did something happen to him?'

* but these thoughts just wouldn t leave my head , so i followed him in the distance for a while to make sure he was ok

* one day i saw him talking to a strange man close to The Chasm ; i listened to their conversation in silence and i heared "not far from here" (what Dain said) ; so i went to check if something was there

* when i got there i saw the Abyss Order planing some kind of trap 'are they tryning to trap Aether here..? but why...'

* i had to do something , so i waited for Aether to finish tha conversation with the strange man and as soon as he left i grabed Aether s hand and said "AETHER WAIT! Don t go there!"

* he turned to me surprised "w-what ? Xiao what are u doing here? And what do u mean , why shouldn t i go there?!"

* i sighed and told him what i saw and then he looked down "so...? What if it is a trap...? Maybe it would help me find my sister... or maybe i will just die alredy!"

* he looked at me with dead eyes wich made me shiver because i never seen him so.... tired , he used to be so happy and to smile all the time... what happend to him..?

* i didn t know how to react to what he just said 'he wanted to die...?why...?!'

I will continue this later or tomorrow since i have some ideas <3 ty

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