Chapter 18

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* when i woke up , Xiao was still sleeping and so was Lumine , but for some reason Xiao was kinda swetting, and he looked like he wasn t feeling quite alright but i didn t know if i should wake him up or not

* while i was still thinking he suddenly woke up , he was breathing heavily and looking at the ground

* "Xiao! What happend? Is everything ok? Are you alright..?" I asked while patting his back softly

* he looked at me and took a deep breath trying to calm down "y-yes... i just had a... nightmare... it s nothing... really... im ok.."

* i just nodded in respons and we stayed like that a few more minutes

* after a short while , Lumine woke up aswell , i checked her wounds,  she was getting better 'thank god..' and while i was at it i checked Xiao s wound aswell , he was almost fully healed

* we decided to go in Mondstadt, the nation close to the mountain we were in

* on our way down the mountain , i was walking a little foreword from them and i missheard Xiao apolagising to Lumine for what he said the other day , i was surprised but happy that he said sorry

* then we continued our way just as before , there wasn t much talking but it wasn t really awkward either , i would ve usually talked more woth Xiao but now i was trying not to leave anyone out so we just went with silence

* when we arrived in Mondstadt ,we were happy that the cold ended and the sun was shining again

* we didn t really know what to do at all now.. Lumine agreed that we have to stop the God that wanted to destroy this world... but how do we get ti her in the first place..??

* we just went in the city and we took a room for the night , we will decide what to do tomorrow since we walked a lot today and we were all exausted

* but on our way to the room , i was just talking to my sister when Xiao suddenly said "oh , will you shut up alredy?!" In a really mean tone

* i quickly turned to him and said "what is it?" , he continued "the 2 of you just won t shut up , aren t you done talking?!" he quickly coverd his mouth

* "what is wrong with you..!? Your acting so strange these days , why are you like this??" I said angrily

* "A-aether.. i- im sorry , i don t know why i said all that... i-" he apolagised in a clearly sorry tone

* "no Xiao" i cut him off , "why can t you stand Lumine at all?! She is my sister , what s your problem?!"

* "Aether i-" he wanted to say ; "no!" I said instaid "just please don t say anything more.."

* we just went into our room without anyone saying another word , Xiao looked at the ground the whole way

* Lumine went to sleep imediatly and so did i (or so i tought) , while Xiao just said he d go on a walk

* i didn t said anything but i felt like i exagerated again , i went to sleep on the couch but i couldn t close an eye for 2 hours , i decided to go and see where Xiao was , it s been 2 hours and he still haven t returned

* i walked out of the door and just went around the city , looking for him , after a long time , i finally found him , he was sitting on a roof , looking up at the stars,  when he saw me , he wiped something from his eyes and quietly said "A-aether...?"

* i sat next to him and said "im sorry for earlier.. i overreacted... again.."

* "no no no...! It was my fault... b-but i swear i didn t mean to say any of that! I-i don t know why i said it , im so sorry... your sister probably hates me by now..." he said feeling guilty

* "it s alright... i don t know why you said that either... but i can tell that you really didn t mean it..." i said in a calm tone

* he sighed and looked at me "i m sorry if i ll say anything mean to you again... i swear i don t mean it... i just don t understand why do i say all these things.. it s not anger or anything... i can t control it... AT ALL...!" he said almost with tears in his eyes again "and i dont want you to be mad at me.."

* he really looked sorry... so why would he say that..? I don t understand

* "it s ok.... i know you woukd never want to say or do anything bad to me , i overreacted... i should ve listened to you before speaking" i said

* we both stayed on that roof , juat looking at the stars for a little while longer and then agreed to go back

Xiao s pov :

* on our way back we both stayed silent but i couldn t get my minf off what happend... 'why tf did i said that , i didn t mean it! Why am i acting so strange...?? And this weird feeling that keeps getting more and more powerfull by the day in my head... what is happening to me..' i didn t understand..  i was usually cold with the people around me , but never this arrogant , and i never was like this with Aether! I don t want to hurt him with my words...'

* we finally got back , it looked like Aether s sister was sleeping , we didn t wake her up and we just both went to sleep on the couch , this tine , ut was kinda awkward... because even if i knew Aether wasn t still mad at me... i still felt bad , and i couldn t just stay next to him just like that , something was holding me back..'

* he just went on the right part of the couch and i decided to go on the left and i imediatly fell asleep

Aether s pov:

* even tho i knew what Xiao was thinking,  i just waited for him to fall asleep , of course he couldn t even use a blanket and juat sleep like that , so i coverd him with my blanket and wnet back to my side

* but after i while of not beeing able to sleep.. again!... i just went next to Xiao and coverd us both with the blanked and i was almost falling off the couch , but it didn t matter bc i fell asleep imediaty

Haaaaaaaaaa , another chapter! ^^
Sooooo ik it s short but i wanted to finiah this until Christmas and this is alk i got , ok?? Yeah
Marry Christmas!! <3
Also i still have ideas- somehow- but yeah , which means there will be more chapters soon , yay
Byeeee <3 ^^

|Here For You| :xiaoaether &lt;3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant