Chapter 13

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Aether s pov :

* when i woke up i saw felt someone was there , i opened my eyes and saw Xiao sitting next to the bed asleep, and i was holding his hand

* i found myself smiling warmly ,i felt like i never wanted to let him go... i was so afraid of losing him again... i didn t care about anything else at that moment

* i was lost in these toughts when i noticed Xiao was awake while i was still holding onto his hand

* he didn t seem like he d mind but when he saw i was looking at him , he imediatly looked away

* he looked really sad tho... like he was worried about something but a little mad at the same time... was he still mad for what i said yesterday...? I really don t know why did i said all of these things about him , i shouldn t have said that , im so sorry...

* aparently he noticed that i got a little too focused on my toughts and zoned out , he gently taped me on the shoulder and said "Aether...? Is everything ok...?U seem more quieter then usual"

* i looked at him and nodded "y-yeah... im fine" , ofc i wasn t fine... i was feeling like everything dependes on me ;my sister , Teyvat , EVERYONE, i had to care for everything, and i just felt like my head will explode...

* after some months , i haven t heared or saw my sister anywhere , she said she was strong enough , but i was so dumb to actually believe her... and i realized that way too late , after all it was her against a God!

* this time Xiao was actually there for me , always; everytime he d notice id be sad , he would comfort me ; well- he wouldn t be the best at comforting but even like that , he would always succeed to make me feel better

* i tryed once again to ask the archons about my sister but of course they wouldn t say anything; i was worried sick about my sister 'what if she s in danger...? What if...?! No, no , there s no way she died.... or is it...? I DON T KNOW WHAT TO DO!'

* Xiao even said he will accompanie me when i told him i will explore tye other nations to hopefully find my sister , i loved his company , even if at fisrt he didn t talked much , after a while we would understand eachother perfectly

* one day , it was getting dark outside so we both agreed to camp there , we went to sleep but for some reason i just couldn t fall asleep , i had a strange feeling... i noticed that Xiao was asleep so i didn t said anything , maybe it was just my imagination...

* i tryed to sleep again and this time i managed to fall asleep after some time

* i suddenly heared a strange sound , and when i woke up i realized i wasn t in the same place , Xiao wasn t there either , oh no.... NOT THIS PLACE AGAIN...! , it was the same place as when i met my sister in my dream close to Liyue Horbor...

* tho this time there was only an Abyss Herald standing there... i aproched him but when he noticed me , he attaked me ,this Abyss Herald was way stronger then any other i ever saw

* when i was about to defeat him , he suddenly started talking "The princess(Lumine) will destroy this world , and u won t be able to stop her highness !! Your journey is OVER" then he looked like he conpletly restored his energy while i was almost out of breath...
"NO! I have to find my sister , i can t leave her !!"

* the Abyss Herald started laughing uncontrolably and continued "u are now just a meaningless nothing to her highness! Just a stupid bug to step on!"

(A/N : i inspired this from a Sumeru cutscene , bc idk , yeah-)

* i suddenly heared Xiao s voice calling me "AETHER , WAKE UP!" ,then the Abyss Herald spoke again "ugh, u got lucky this time....!" Then u woke up in the same place where i fell asleep

* Xiao was looking in my eyes worried "Aether! Are u ok?? I woke up and saw u didn t looked too good and i tryed to wake u up , but i couldn t , u were swetting and had tears in your eyes! I tryed to wake u up but nothing worked... I was so worried!" he said and hugged me tight

* i hugged him back and told him what i saw and he said "maybe it was just a strange dream , this place is strange itself..." , i nodded and we decided to go back to sleep ; this time i fell asleep imediatly tho

Xiao s pov :

* even tho i told Aether i ll go to sleep , i actually waited for him to fall asleep and i watched over him to make sure he was ok , when he woke up i just told him i woke up earlyer and that i let him sleep , i had to make sure he was ok

* we continued our journey just like before , exept the fact that these dreames kept botheing Aether and with time , they came more and more often until he dreamed this everynight, the same dream ,over and over again , and saddly same as the first time , i couldn t wake him up until he finished the dream , Aether always told me that he got used to it but i knew he just didn t wanted me to worry , because he always had tears in his eyes when he woke up from the dream

* he kept getting more and more tired by the day , and it bothered me a lot to know i can t help him in any way

* all i could do is hold him close and hope he s ok , everytime he d fall asleep i would pull him close and wait for him to wake up

* i knew that the tought of his sister hating him was eating him alive , he was always thinking about if that dream was really true

Im really sorry that it took so long for me to continue but i promise i will post the next part as soon as i can , because i also have to focus about school so i ll write in my free time bc yeah , also english isn t my first language so im sorry for writing mistakes , ty , have a nice day <33

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