Chapter 15

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So this chapter will be a little more of xiaoaether
and im sorry that i haven t even said anything in- a month in think- but yeah , the inspiration hit me so i ll be making this chapter a little longer , idk if anyone is still waiting for me to update this , but if someone does , then IM SO SORRY BUT SCHOOL IS A PAIN , anyways , hope you like this chapter

* "XIAO!" I shouted as i looked at him bleeding while i was panicking

* 'when did this happen...? The wound isn't fresh... why did he hid this from me...?!' I quickly carryed him to our small camp and looked for some bandages

* i carefully cleaned his wound and bandaged it

* i was worried sick , Xiao was always there for me when i needed him , so i had to be there for him too , even if i knew he wouldn t feel the same.... i loved Xiao... but now i had to make sure he was ok

Xiao s pov:

* i suddenly woke up feeling numb and my vision was blury , i looked around so my vision could go back to normal and i noticed Aether sleeping while tightly holding onto my hand with a tear dripping from his cheek

* for some reason my heart instantly melted , i remembered everything that happend... i looked at my wound ; it was carefully bandaged and clean , like it was recently changed 'Aether... i wish i wouldn't have bothered you with my mistake'

* i wanted to wake him up and asure him that i was ok so he wouldn t worry but i knew that the night might have been exausting for him... so i decided to let him sleep peacefully while hilding my hand... (which i honestly didn t mind)

* after a while , i saw Aether slowly waking up

Aether s pov:

* when i woke up , i was too sleepy to remember what happend for a moment but when i noticed Xiao awake i instantly knew what happend ; he was... slightly smiling while also holding my hand in his

* "Xiao!!" I hugged him tightly; "you re ok..!" I said with a tear rolling down from my eye , "why didn t you tell me that you were hurt....? Your wound could ve gotten way worst if i didn t treated it.." i realized that my tone was a little too much rn "s-sorry, i didn t mean to rise my voice at you... b-but can you please tell me what happend please...?"

"It s ok... i know that you were just worryed... i should ve told you i was hurt , im sorry , it was selfish of me to make you worry for me like that..."
he said in a calming tone

A/n: so- i forgot to say that it was still night , around 2-3 am or smt ,     yk

* "and last night... , some monstars were about 5o attack our camp but after i killed them... one escaped my sight and yeah... , b-but im ok now , really , im feeling better thanks to you... thank you so much..." he continued

* "im just glad your ok Xiao..." i said with a small and warm smile

* now we were just looking into eachothers eyes ; it was silence , but not an awkward silence , it was a comforting silence , none of us said something; i noticed that it was the first time when Xiao was smiling so brightly (and Xiao was also blushing slightly but Aether was still to sleepy to notice even tho Aether was blushing aswell)

* at sime point , we both looked away , Xiao hiding his face by looking away as always

* i gave him some food since he haven t eaten in some time , he accepted it still looking away

* "Xiao.. i think it ll be better if we will stay here until you recover , i know you are strong enough but im also worryed , when i bandaged you i saw that you had lots more wounds , this one just happends to be the worst one" i said , expecting him to either tell me no and that i shouldn t stop because of him either tell me that he is ok , even tho he isn t

* instaid he said "I- fine... we can stay here until i recover... but please don't be mad that i didn t tell you about my wounds.. i just don t want to worry you.. you alredy have enough going on for you... d-do you still have these nighmares?"

* i didn t know what to answer him...

* Xiao noticed that i was starting to lose myself in toughts and gently tapped my shoulder
"Aether... is everything ok..?"

* "y-yes , sorry , i just- " a big sigh left my mouth     "it s just that i just don t understand anymore , w-why is this happening to me , and why am i so stubborn... why can t i just give up alredy...?" like i didn t cryed enough these days , tears formed into my eyes again "my sister told me that she will find a way to escape The Unknown God,  b-but why didn t i heared or seen her in months... what if she died trying...? What if The God killed her.... i- why did i believe her back then.... i could've save her back then... SO WHY DO I THINK I CAN DO IT NOW?? im so dumb , why am i like this?!
My dreams , my sister... EVERYTHING that s happening  , it doesn t make sens at all! I-is my journey useless..?"

Xiao s pov:

* when i saw tears in Aether s eyes and his voice shaking , i knew i had to do something... but i was never good at comforting people... im terrible with people
Aether s tone started to sound more and more helpless which made my heart stop and i just did what i felt that i should ; i hugged him softly while caressing his back "It s gonna be ok.... we will find your sister... i ll make sure of it..."

* when Aether finally calmed down , he was just laying in my arms helpless , i could tell that he s been holding these toughts bottled up for some time now , i noticed that he had not only red eyes from crying but also black circles under his eyes 'did he even managed to sleep more then an hour...?'

* since it was still night , Aether didn t even realize that he had fallen asleep in my arms , he was tired , both physically and mentally and i didn t had the heart to wake him up

* meanwhile i slowly started to drown in my own toughts 'it s been so long since i ve been so open and emotional twoards somone, Aether changed me... b-but... is it for the better..? Or am i becoming weak...' i looked up at the beautiful night sky that was covered in stars
'No... i shouldn t think about it like that , just because i finally care about someone doesn t mean im weak , it makes me happy when Aether s around , i haven t felt happy in a long time... but he makes me happy , so even if i changed,  it doesn t matter , im happy and i know that i will do anything to protect Aether...!'
(Please ignore the fact that i said happy like 4 times)

Yeah soooo , i ll probably make another chapter soon , idk for sure tho , so please don't be surprised if i won t continu this for another month ok?? Thank you , and please tell me if i should make more chapters like this one , i mean where they get closer yk? Bc idk , anyways , byeee <33 ^^

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