Chapter 1

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"Ava! We found a girl in the Scorch! She's still alive!" A man in a guard looking outfit shouted.

The one who is so called Ava approached the  man who was carrying an unconscious girl. Looked to be about 10 or so. Her dark hair made it look like it would be black but in the light it looked liked it was a natural brown.

Her clothes looked old and torn, I mean you would expect nothing less from being found in the Scorch. The deadly Scorch. I mean the only real mystery here is how on Earth did she even end up there?

"Bring her to the Med-wing," Ava ordered, "see if we can use her in anyway that's useful to us,"

The man nodded and headed towards the Med- wing. He walked along the long corridors when he saw two other guards passing him with a boy in front of them.

The boy had sandy blonde hair, and eyes that looked liked pools of honey. His eyes landed on girl and they went wide of confusion. He didn't noticed he stopped until the two guards that were behind started to push him along.

   The boy gets pushed into this dorm a little while after he had seen the limp girl in the guards hands. He looked around and saw two other boys sitting on one side of the bunk bed.

     On the top was a Asian boy with short jet black hair, strong arms even though he is only about 10. But still liked slightly older then the boy. He was messing with something in his hands, a pocket knife maybe? He twirled it in his hands not even acknowledging the boy who stumbled into the room.

     On the bottom was a boy while looked to be the oldest out of the whole three. He has dark skin and a buzz cut. He was definitely more on the bulky side too. He was reading a book but looked up once he saw the boy.

"Got you too huh?" The boy on the bottom asked.

"Y-yeah," the boy stuttered, "guess you can say that,"

"Well mine as well introduce ourselves," the Asian boy sighed not looking up from his pocket knife.

The boy on the bottom introduced himself first, "I'm Alby."

The boy waited a while before actually answering, "I'm, Newt," he finally got out.

"Hi there Newt," the Asian boy said as he jumped from the bunk bed, "I'm the one and only Minho," the boy finished with a smirk.

Newt generally smiled as he walked down sit in the other bunk bed across from Alby.

"What's your story?" Alby asked.

"My... story?" Newt asked confused.

"What he means is, what happened that made you end up here?" Minho explained.

"Oh umm, well... basically my umm parents were uhhh going crazy and," Newt couldn't continue without his voice cracking, " then these guards came out of no where, and took my and my sister here. They split us apart though.... " Newt trailed off.

"And I was being sent over here by two guards," Newt finally finished.

"Hmm," hummed Alby.

"As I was asking I also saw this girl... it's nothing though." Newt added

"Cool story," Minho commented.

"Thanks?" Newt looked up at him and saw that he was only just playing around.

"Well, I'm tired so I'm gonna head to sleep," Alby announced.

"Same," Minho agreed.

  Newt didn't say anything as he layed down on the bed and shut his eyes. He hadn't realize how tired he was until then. Only one me thought though stayed in his mind. That unconscious girl.

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