Chapter 22

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She took the note in her hand and read it over and over. She felt her heart crack a little remembering how he laughed at the question and dropped the note to the floor. Kalli was no dumb girl but a little part of her hoped he would like her back and that little part kept her going.

The girl left the shack and went to bring dinner for the greenie. She herself, no longer had an appetite. She wanted to be left alone, she wanted to cry, she couldn't bring herself to cry about a boy she didn't have a chance with anyway.

Kalli brought lain her food and wished her goodnight.

"Where's your food" lain asked.

"Not hungry" the girl sighed.

"As Medjack i should tell you that not heathy, do you know how many calories you run off and then your not eating, your going to get sick."

"Thanks" lain was taken aback about what she just heard. Considering how soft Kalli's words were

"For what"

"Covering me this morning, ya know when I was staring at Mhino"

Lain laughed at this "so you do like him"

"Yeah, yeah I really do, I love him" she said the last part staring into space"

"Earth to Kalli," lain called," what's wrong?"

" Newt wrote a letter to Mhino asking when he was going to ask me out and he just laughed at it and dropped it on the ground," Kalli said in all one breath, and couldn't help but let the tears roll down, " and now look at me crying over a dumb boy and dumbing all my feelings on you, god this is embarrassing", she finished with "I have to go" and walked off.

Kalli had said it quick but lain understood every word. She wished she wasn't in that stupid cage, she wanted to hug her. And slap Minho for being an idiot.

Later Newt came over to say good night to Lain but instead she asked a question that broke his heart.

"Can you get Mhino for me?" she asked, he just stood there for a couple seconds, "yeah, sure okay"

While walking to go get Mhino Newt felt weird, he didn't know why he felt like this, he liked the girl... more than he likes Kalli, in a way, he thinks.

But all he knew was that he didn't like that they would be alone or that she asked for him.

Mhino made his way over to the slammer where he had been summoned. Lain gripped the bars and talked calmly to him.

"Mhino I need you to listen,Kalli hasn't eaten dinner and last I saw her she was crying,"

Mhino didn't know what to do, kalli and him weren't great friends and in fact barley ever talked.

" w- why was she crying?"

" Mhino come closer to the slammer" she told him as innocent as she could.

He was hesitant at first but made his way closer. She smacked him so hard in the face it will be red for days.

"Because she loves you, you idiot and you laughed at asking her out, your lucky I'm in this fucking slammer or I would fuck you up."

Mhinos face went pale remembering how he laughed at the note and he was so dumb as not to discard it properly. He mentally killed him self 1000 times.

Mhino made his way over to her hut and knocked on the door to be answers by no one.
Meanwhile inside kalli was silently crying, not and ugly cry but not a pretty cry. As she wrote her notes.

Tomorrow she would make her way over the cliff and stay there till the doors close, after all it was her day again to run alone, she would wait the doors out and expect her fate. She hated life, she hated the glade, she hated being depended on to get everyone out, she hated that pressure. And she hated mhino she really really hated him but here she was still crying over him.

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