Chapter 11

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After the guards took Kalli from her and Lains shared room, she felt like breaking down and crying. The guards stopped at a room she hasn't seen before, she followed the guards through the door where they roughly sat her down at a small desk.
The desk had crayons and a piece of paper

" Your have five minutes to say your goodbyes then the swipe", the guard told her

So she wrote everything she needed to tell her best friend. I picked up the purple crayon (her favorite color).

Dear, Lain

   I will be transported to the maze tomorrow morning as you already know. And I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me, it kills me to know that tomorrow morning I won't remember my best friend and forget about all the laughs we shared. It's kills me that we might never have this friendship again and that next time I do see your face again it won't look the slightest bit familiar, that I won't recognize your laugh, and that I won't remember how you made me feel needed.
     Under my pillow is a ring I made you out of a paper clip. Wear the ring when you get sent to the maze I'll have my duplicate. Hopefully this will indicate that we knew each other.
When you remember me listen to these songs

the story (Conan Gray)
Ribs (lorde)
Long live (Taylor swift)
Remember people through rocks at things

Love Kalli,
                See you in a minute

     Next Kalli knew,  She  was brought to the room where She would be swiped. The gourds told her they would bring the note to Lain. She was content she didn't care anymore, their was nothing she could do

And soon enough the swipe started.

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