Chapter 14

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The runners had started to explore the maze not to long ago, everyday going a little farther out into the maze and coming back with plenty of time before the doors shut. But Kalli would stay in the maze till the last couple of seconds, working harder to find a way out then all of the other gladers.

   This would make all of the gladers mad when she was sometimes forced to squeeze her body through the little crack of the maze doors on most days. The gladers cared for her, they where like family so this made them mad, she had many talks about how she needed to come back earlier.

Everyday most of the boys would stand around the doors hoping she wouldn't get stuck in the maze today and wondering if she would make it back tomorrow.

But today was different no one waited at the door for her when she came back almost getting healed stuck in the maze. No one was there but newt, one of her best friends.

Newt stopped waiting for her by the door weeks ago, he trusted her enough to come back and made her promise she always would. Right away she new something was off.

"Kalli we need ya to come help and calm the buggin greenie down," he said sternly

"Not now newt I need to go and map my path today,"

"Alright just do it bloody quickly and meet me outside the dead heads" he told me before walking away, "and later where going to have another talk about you coming back this late, you almost got buggin stuck in the maze today" he shouted from behind him
After Kalli mapped todays path She walked to meet him by the woods, he was pacing around like a mother who lost her child in a grocery store.

They fast walked in silence when when he slowed down his pace, and said, "The greenie is in a tree" he told her shattering the peaceful silence.

"And you let him stay there all day?" She asked when he stopped walking

"Yep she's right up there," he told her and walked away. Kalli was confused on why he said "she"

"Hey! You want me to come up-."

She was cut off when the branch the greenie was sitting on snapped fell to the ground.

The greenie laid on their stomach. He had long wavy black hair. The greenie sat up groaning and covering his stomach still not showing his face.

"Or you can come down," Kalli chuckled to herself.

Kalli held her hand out to the greenie to help them up. Greenie moved his hair out of his face to reveal that he was in fact not a boy but a girl.

"No shucking way" she whispered to herself, "I'm kalli, the only girl in the glade- till now"

The greenie looked into her eyes with disbelief, "No other girls, We're surrounded by boys?" The greenie asked. Kalli chuckled at this.

"You will get used to it, it's not that bad, and all of the boys are super sweet and caring" kalli paused, "well most of them anyway,"

Kalli continued to speak "Let's get you back to the main part of the glade to get you food and introduce you to them."

They walked back to the glade still hand in hand kalli giving the girls hand a squeeze for reassurance every couple seconds or so.

"Wait where did you get that ring" kalli asked seeing the ring on the girls other hand, "I have the same one.

"I don't know I came up with it" the girl told her matching Kalli's and hers together.

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