Chapter 32

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"BOY YOU GOT SOME NERVE!" Lain yelled at Minho.

Kalli woke up to Lain's yelling and realized Minho was still gripping her booty. She looked down smiling but was still blushing. Minho was just staring at Lain annoyed that she woke up Kalli.

"I'm- s-sorry," Newt said panting as he came into view behind Lain, "I tried t-to get her as f-fast as I-I could,"

"Well that didn't work did it?" Minho said looking at the boy.

"Ay we're not talking to Newt your talking to me, Mr. I'm gonna touch her butt and Lain will never find out',"

"That's a long name," Newt mumbled.

"Oh shut it Newt," Lain said before looking at Minho and continuing, "You have about 5 seconds before I chase your ass and beat the shit out of you!"

Minho looked unfazed by her threat.


He was still unfazed.


"I think you should run Minho while you can," Newt whispered.


Minho looked at her a little worried now seeing her ready to rip him a part. She held out a frying pan she had behind her back.


"Now I think you should run," Kalli whispered this time, "save yourself."


And just like that Minho dashed out with Lain following behind. The whole scene right now was basically Lain chasing Minho with a frying pan.  She somehow managed to corner him and she hit him in the head with pan only one time because Newt came and lifted her up off of Minho. Lains hard glare never left.

Minho's head luckily wasn't bad. Only a bit of blood but there sure was a nasty bruise. And of course Lain got sent to the slammer.

Right now Kalli was treating Minho's wound and talking causally.

"Aww is my poor baby hurt?" Kalli asked in a baby voice.

"No," Minho pouted like a little kid, "I'm a big boy,"

"I know," Kalli said she looked into his eyes, "your my pretty boy,"

"What the fuck?!" Minho asked shocked.


"Did you just call me pretty boy?"


"What the fuck," but this time his smiled and blushed kissing Kalli on the lips (barf)

Newt walked in, of course. And covered his eyes quickly.

"Right, sorry forgot you moved in," Newt said his hands covering his face. He went to walk out but ran straight into a wall instead, "ow,"

Once he finally got out, Minho and Kalli started to burst out laughing.

With Lain,

"Cigarette, daydreams," Lain hummed as she sat on the floor bored out of her mind, "You were only 17,"

"Whatcha singing there?" Lain looked up and saw Newt looking down at her smirking a bit.

"To be honest I don't know but it's catchy,"

"Yeah," Newt stared at her a little longer before giving her her dinner, "here ya go."

"Ugh, meat," Lain groaned.

"What, are you a vegetarian?" Newt asked mockingly

"Nah, I just don't like the taste of meat that's all," Lain shrugged, "So I usually just chuck it somewhere, one time it hit someone's face," Lain chuckled at the memory, "I mean Gally did not see it coming,"

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