Chapter 15

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    The girl and Kalli walked in silence. Once they made it to clearing of the glade, the girl saw how a little peaceful things looked. She saw boys just working on building something. Some sleeping in hammocks, other planting stuff on the ground, and even random small animals running around. But she was still confused as ever.

The girl stopped without Kalli noticing. She turned around to face her, "Aren't you coming greenie?" She asked.

"I don't know," the girl looked down, "I dont trust anyone and I'm not too key in trusting people I just met and not remembering anything isn't helping at all,"

"Look," Kalli said backing up and putting an arm around her, but once she saw she was tensing up she put it down, "I'll introduce myself, my names Kalli, your in this place called the Glade. Filled with boys other you and me, and those right there," she said pointing the big giant walls, "are the Maze doors and they close at a specific time and we have to make sure we don't get stuck there. And most boys you'll meet are friendly like I said earlier. We have jobs here, like Track hoes, they plant plants, runners, they run the maze, slicers, they cut up the animals that the cooks take to well cook," Kalli saying all this made Lain feel a little less confused. But was still on edge.

"Mhm being here sounds like paradise," The girl said rolling her eyes starting to walk even if Kalli wasn't gonna follow her, but she did.

Kalli chuckled, "I'm supposed to be giving you the tour here," she said walking up to walk with the girl, "let's just go to the benches," she glanced at her watch, "should be dinner time anyway,"

"Alright," the girl said nodding.

They walked till the girl could see boys all eating some laughing even. 'How could they be so happy even though their trapped?' The girl thought. They say to an empty table Kalli thinking that no one would bother her. But then Newt, Alby, and to Kalli's surprise, Minho.

"Look at that," Alby said with a wide smile, "you got the little she-bean to get down,"

"Technically," Kalli said shrugging, "she fell down the tree. Minho laughed, something that made Kalli smile and blush.

"Well I brought you two food," Newt said putting the two bowls of soup, "Frypans Special,"

The girl just sat there staring at the food not wanting to make eye contact with any of the people there. While Kalli digged into her food. Everyone stared at her not knowing what to say till Alby spoke.

"I'm Alby," he said extending his hand but putting it back once he realized she wasn't going to shake it, "and I'm basically the leader here, there are three rules, 1. Do your part, we don't need any slip ups. 2. No harming another glader, we need to know that we can trust each other. 3. Never go inside the Maze doors."

The girl looked up at him confused, "Then what the hell are runners then? Don't they run the Maze?" She asked looking at Kalli for the last part.

Kalli put her head down as all the boys looked at her disappointed, "I may have told her that... oops." She said smiling slightly embarrassed.

"Well, yeah," Newt said looking at the girl, "Me, Minho and Kalli run the Maze. We try to find a way out of this bloody place-"

The girl looked Newt in the eye and he froze. He may not remember anything but he knew those eyes. Those dark eyes. He suddenly felt a rush of deja vu. The eyes were like the only he remembered other then his own name. He felt like he was in a trance in them until Kalli coughed making him jump slightly.

"Oh sorry," he said looking down getting out of his trance.

"I'm Minho," Minho said smirking at the girl. While she girl furrowed her eyebrows to him in a response.

"Okay?" She said not really caring.

Alby nudged Newt in the shoulder so he can introduce himself.

"Hm?" He said looked up then remembering, "oh right, I'm Newt, second in command."

"Like the lizard?" The girl asked smiling. Actually smiling, but it was a smile none the less.

"Y-yea," Newt said looking down slightly embarrassed.

"Cute," The girl said looking at the embarrassed boy slightly feeling bad for him thinking she accidentally called him out or something.

"Do you remember your name?" Kalli asked looking between Newt and the girl.

"Nope," she said popping out the p, "like I said before, I don't remember nada,"

"Well I guess we should get ready for the Bonfire," Alby said getting up.

"And what is that?" The girl said tilting her head.

"It's when we host like a- like a celebration," Minho said also getting up, "we started to do it ever since Kalli suggested it,"

     The girl looked at Kalli as she stood up "trying" to her blush. The girl smiled knowing what's going on but didn't question it.


     The night was now getting dark and the sound of boys cheering were heard. The girl looked at saw boys and Kalli with torches in their hands ready to light up a fire. She watched from afar not wanting the attention all on her. Even if she was the knew greenie.

   She was sitting against a log and facing the maze walls. Not thinking. Once again too many question swam around in her head and she couldn't find a single thing to focus on that wouldn't get distracted by another thought. 

     She heard some one sit next to her but she so focused on... nothing, that she didn't even bother to look and see who it was. But they spoke anyway.

"Hey," it was Kalli, "how come your not celebrating?"

She finally looked at Kalli not saying anything  before answering, "Because," she couldn't get the words out of her mind, she couldn't think of anything to say, "I don't know, I really don't. I just don't like eyes staring at me, feels like I'm doing something wrong,"

Kalli looked at her confused, "What would you be doing wrong?" She asked, "I mean there are a bunch of idiot boys here, what could you possibly do?"

     The girl wanted to listen to her, she almost even had a full smile she actually felt comfortable around the girl, but she didn't like how much emotion Kalli put into it, so she dropped the smile real quick. She didn't like when people were all emotional around her saying 'I promise it'll be alright' or 'your not doing anything wrong' the girl didn't care what people had to say, she felt fine and she was.

Kalli was gonna say something else but then Newt appeared, "Hey Umm can I borrow Kalli for a moment?" He asked his hands shaking.

The girl looked at Kalli shrugging her shoulders not caring, "I don't care."

Kalli got up but gave the girl a drink before she left, "here ya go greenie, try not to go crazy," and with that she left. She wondered what they were gonna talk about but instead waved good bye as she took a sip of the beverage.

  She swallowed it and looked at wide eyes with it. She couldn't believe how it felt when it went down her throat. It burned. But she didn't care. She took more and more gulps of it before getting up and finding more. And she did. A whole bunch of it. She took more and more till she realized how much she drank. Four jars of it.

     But the worst part was when she started to walk around tripping with almost every step, and eventually ran into the middle of a bunch of boys, one other boy in the middle with her.

"The she-bean? Really?" He asked to the crowd, "this'll be fun,"

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