Chapter 25

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Alby gave everyone a day off, then back to work the following day.

No one in the glade was handling it well, she was nice to everyone, and even took the time to learn all their names and their interests.

"Alby" called Mhino from behind, " I'm running the maze today"
" whatever" alby responded, he wasn't taking this too well, Kalli was one if the first gladers, their first girl. She was there in the dark times, when establishing law, order, routine, and safety.

Mhino waited by the doors stretching his muscles. As soon as the doors started to rumble it felt like eternity, waiting for the second that he could see in the maze just enough to see if Kalli was waiting at the doors to open, waiting for him.

His heart beat was rapidly picking up every second but when the doors where open just enough to see no one in the corridor, when he saw this his heart stopped. He then sprinted into the maze.

Back with newt

After newt woke up in the girls hut he had tucked lain into bed and went ti the deadheads. Newt had  swiftly picked up lain without waking her up, she needed all the sleep she could get, crying had drained her energy. In all honesty Newt just wanted to wallow around all day and cry.

After newt was far enough into the deadheads he laid down next to a tree and fell asleep.

When the doors started to rumble It took him a couple seconds to realize now was the time that he'd fine out if his best friend was alive or not.

On his way to the gap in the walls he saw Mhino sprint in, he knew how Mhino worked, Mhino would say that running the maze would take his mind if the whole situation or " I'm the Kepler if the runners I can't miss a day, it could be important. But only people who didn't know how Mhino thinks would see him. But Newt knew it was the look for Kalli or any sign of what could have happened last night. Kalli, she wasn't there, she wasn't back, she promised she would always come back. She promised...

Back with Mhino

He had been running the maze for about 15 minutes when almost missed something on the floor, all the way down the corridor. You couldn't have missed it, it was huge, you couldn't have mistaken it to be anything else but a griever, But this one was different it was flipped in its back and slime every when and.. it was dead.

Mhino sprinted over to the scene to see something he wished he could on see, he wished he could undo the damage. On the floor was Kalli's life less body in the floor.

"Holy shuck" whispered Mhino in astonishment, as he saw the dagger in Kalli's hand and the blood stained on it, perfectly fitting the slits on her wrists that where still oozing blood.

He couldn't help but stare, she had a busted lip, blood all over the place, on the floor, her hair, her clothes, her skin, the sight broke his heart.

Mhino bent down and checked her pulse, a heart beat... and another one... and another one. She was alive, he was thrilled, he couldn't wait to make things right, ask her the question he so stupidly laughed off.

Mhino carried her back to the glade, running at a comfortable pace for him and enough to make sure she is safe and not causing any unnecessary pain.

When Mhino ran through the doors and entering the glade Newt was sitting there on the side picking at the grass, and time froze.

Newt looked up at Mhino with moth agape and his eyes where red and glassy. Newts eyes met Mhinos and landed on the lifeless girls body.

"Her hut," newt just stared at the two considering if he was going crazy "now", Mhino ordered.

"How's she looking dock" questioned alby.
" Well after I cleaned the blood off of her I uncovered severe bruising all over her body as if a Greiver had trampled over her"

"And her wrist?" Alby asked clearly concerned.

"Well it's obvious that is was a suicidal attempt from the notes, bloody daggers and her wrists, but my guess is she made it through the night so went with plan B... doing it herself, lain explained.

It was not until supper that Kalli had woken up. Newt and Alby  being the first ones to greet her. Newt Alby hadn't said a word to her. Instead she got up and sat at the desk eating the cold dinner that was for her to eat.

"What the bloody hell was that!?"Newt said making the girl flinch.

"What was what" she asked underly confused.

"The little stunt  you pulled, staying in the maze and then slitting your fucking wrists." He exclaimed, face turning red with anger.

Alby stayed silent.

" Newt! It's me not wanting to be here anymore, wanting the pain to stop, wanting to fill the hole in my  stomach".

"No no, you can't do that, you can't fucking do that"

What do you mean I can't do that, I wanted to kill myself!! I'm so fucking done with this shit. Don't you understand I don't want to be here .

"You are so fucking selfish, you know that Kalli! You fucking slefish."

" Your selfish, I don't  want to be alive, but because your a stuck up bitch you couldn't have just let me be free"

Alby was still quiet deciding if he should say something or not.

" everyone hates it here kalli! Your not the only one who doesn't want to be here, but you can't go and try to kill your self over it.

" No, no you don't understand It's so lonely, but who cares. But you know what "It's fine, it's okay"I'll die anyway, so who cares if it's now or later."

" YOU WILL GET OVER IT! Suck it up." This one came from ably.

"Alby you need to shut the fuck up. Im always at a fucking constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest"

"It's called puberty and your bloody period, it will fucking go away don't you understand the words coming out my fucking mouth" Alby said making her blood boil.

"I reach for me, but I'm not there, I just don't feel the same, there is no happiness anymore, DONT YOU GET IT?"

" YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH IT, YOU NEED TO FIND A WAY OUT OF THIS FUCKING HEEL HOLE." Said Alby he was always the one to put the most pressure one her,

" YOU GUYS ALWAYS PUT SO MUCH GOD DAMN PRESSURE ON ME. I always wonder why I'm here, but I guess all I'm good for is trying to find a way out. Huh? Isn't that it?"

"EXACTLY, YOU JUST HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT push a little more, you will be okay " replied Alby not even listening to what she had to say.

"That's not what I'm fucking saying Alby, get that in your thick brain dumbass. It's hard to find
Reasons to stay alive"

" what about me, what about your friends?" This came from newt.

" some shitty stay here for your friends speech isn't gonna do shit, I feel like shit newt, all I want to do is be alone and sleep. Your speech isn't gonna save a life, when it's already gone."

" I'm not giving some speech I'm trying to say, oh I'm so sorry life is so hard for you and you don't live in a castle with servants scrubbing your fucking feet"  newt replied

" you know what newt? FUCK YOU. talking about MY. Feelings shouldn't end in a fight. IVE COME TOO FUCKING FAR FOR SOME SHANKS TO TELL ME WHAT MY WORDS ARE WORTH."

Newts face turned from raging anger to an unbelievable amount of regret written all over his face.

"Get out" kalli said with a disturbingly low voice.

Newt and Alby both left without saying a word.

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