Chapter 35

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*Next morning

"RISE AND SHINE HAPPY CAMPER!" George said busting into Lains hut.

Lain groaned as she got up, "Whyyyyyy?"

"Because it is a new day and it won't be a good one unless your around," George smiled.

But lain looked at him not believing a word he just said and wondering why he was acting so weird.

'Why is he acting so weird? You should ask.' The voice in Lains head said.

"Why are you acting so weird?" She asked.

"Uhhh- no reason at all just uhh excited to start the day... let's go," George said grabbing her arm and heading out to eat breakfast with all the rest of the runners.

They sat down and Minho, Kalli, and Newt were all ready there eating. Minho and Kalli one side and newt on the other. George sat Lain down next to Newt while he sat next to her as well. The group began to talk about whatever but George wasn't listening. He couldn't get over his... dream-? Last night.


George was 8, or what he could only tell for himself. He was standing next to what most likely was his father. His younger self was messing with a small knife in his hands.

He looked forward and saw two little girls younger then him. One had short straight hair and the other had long wavy hair. He couldn't help but notice that the one with curly hair looked liked Lain. Maybe it was?

Younger George looked up and saw that the man looked over his kids and saw that there was a sand storm coining. I mean if you live in the Scorch expect storms like these.

"Lain! Brenda! Come inside now!" The man shouted.

      Since the George was close to him the man told him something the boy knew he should never forget.

"Listen George, I need you to take your sisters to the bunker over the block, make sure they get there in one piece keep them both safe you hear me?"

      The boy nodded as the younger girls finally caught up to him. George rushed his sisters in the direction of the bunker. The man following closely behind.

     Sadly one of the girls got swept away from the wind dumpling down a hill that was close to their once stable house. The last thing that George experienced in the dream was him shouting HER name and she heard the girls faint yelling saying,


And after that dream/ memory or whatever it was to George, he knew that Lain was his sister. But how would he tell her? Would there ever be a right time? Does she even remember him?


"Umm Ms. Paige we have a problem," Thomas said worry laced in his words.

"What is it?"

"George remembered something," Thomas said quietly.

"He what?!" Ava exclaimed, "how is that possible?!"

The boy shrugged as she watched the women walk away.

"You not gonna do anything to him are you?"

"Umm well," Ava couldn't lie so she didn't, "I'M not gonna do anything to the boy,"

Thomas nodded as he looked back at the screen.


"Make sure the grievers get him,"

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