Chapter 8

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"Well now that, that's settled, let's wait," Kalli said as she hopped down on her bed to sit.

"Wait?" Lain whined, "but I don't like waiting, Mama gets impatient very fast,"

"Did you just call yourself 'Mama'?" Kalli asked as she chuckled.

"Yea so?" Lain asked seeming not fazed by the girls question.

"Nothing, it's funny, well anyway 'Mamas' gonna have to wait," Kalli said Jokily, "I mean the boys don't even know you, let alone approve if you can come," Kalli said the last part seriously.

"But it'll be fine right? cause you'll tell them that they have to bring me," Lain said with hope laced in her voice.

"Duh," Kalli rolled her eyes as if it was obvious he was going to that anyway.

Lain chuckled and flopped herself onto the  ground.

"Umm, why are you laying on the ground?" Kalli asked as she looked at the girl confused.

"Why not," Lain answered.

"Ok-"  Kalli wasn't able to finish her sentence because the vent that was under their bed popped open to reveal a boy, Minho.

"AHHH!!!" Lain screamed as she got up, "oh. It's just jet hair boy,"

"My name is Minho, for your information," the boy said as he got out of the vent.

"Either way, you got jet hair," Kalli defended her while shrugging, "but I rather prefer to call you pudding face,"

"Nice one," Lain whispered into Kalli's ear.

"Look we don't have time for this, come on Kalli," Minho rolled his eyes.

"Hey wait, if she can't come with us then I'm not going," Kalli said LITERALLY putting her foot down.

"Way to put your foot down on this one Kalli," Lain whispered into her ear, while Kalli smirked at the annoyed boy.

"Fine whatever, let's just go please, Newt is a  surprisingly not a very patient guy," Minho said as he hopped back into the vent.

Lain looked at Kalli before going after, "now that guy gets it," 

"You don't even know who that is," Kalli rolled her eyes as she hopped in after Lain.

"So? I'm about to meet him in about 5 minutes aren't I?" Lain asked while crawling thought the vent.

"Yes, but your still stupid," the Kalli said randomly.

"Ok, that was random," Lain huffed

"And you aren't?" Kalli asked

    Lain was about to answer but bumped right into Minho's butt because he suddenly stopped.

"Seriously?" Lain yelled at the boy.

"Shhh," he shushed her.

She rolled her eyes, "seriously?!" She whispered yelled this time.

"We're here," Minho said as he popped open the vent.

     The three went inside and saw that they were inside a room much like Lains and Kalli's but bigger, because when they looked they realized that three boys stayed here. The smell really helped a lot too.

"Ugh, it smells like a pig's den in here," Kalli said as she pinched her nose closed making her voice sound funny.

"Hey!" Minho said offended

"Hey Minho you finally made it!" Alby said, "who's that?" He asked pointing at Lain.

"It's cow," Minho said sarcastically, "it's a girl dummy, she's Kalli friend," Minho said sighing.

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