Chapter 9

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1 week later

Life was boring gotten boring after that night. Every day the same 7 am wake up call, the usual blood tests and testing, classes, suppers , and at end the day Lain and Kalli would meet the gang in the storage closet.

Lain and Kalli grew to be inseparable and had a unspoken bond. Lain was her anchor, her stars and moon to the sky. They sky would be dark and boring without them. Kalli was her galaxy the reason she hasn't killed her self yet for doing something stupid. The reason she was still here.

Kalli had also become good friends with Mhino and she hopes one day when they are big and can make choices for themselves maybe could be more. Kalli waited for the little devil while She zoned out looking at the top of the bunk which is Lains bunk.

Pudding face opens the vents and comes inside. Mhino jumps next to Kalli making sure not to jump on top of her resulting in crushing every bone in her body.

" I hate it here" he sighed

At this remark Kalli grew angry, he didn't know what it is like out there in real world but She does and it's horrible , " no mhino, you don't understand- we have everything a bed, food, each other"

" but we are held here against our will" he snapped back.

"Sure I don't agree to some of there methods and treating us like lab mice, but it's a small price to play", he just stared at her in shock " it's better then living on a day to day basis and wondering if we will be alive by tomorrow."

" I guess your right", he said locking eyes with me.

Mhino grabbed Kallis hand and pulled her out into the vent and into the hallway

" where are we going" she questioned, their hands still connected. " you'll see " he answered.

She allowed Mhino to take through hallways and stair, vents, and rusty ladders. You would really think this place was a maze.

Some how they found our way onto the very top roof of the building. And there She could see her favorite constellation so She pointed it out.

She lifted her arm and pointed at the constellation.

"You see that? That is my favorite constellation, her name is Theta Serpentis, though technically it was a triple star system constellation in the constellation Serpens," she explained.

after being mesmerized and gazing at the stars mhino handed me a basket of food. Kalli picked out what She liked and 'pudding face' and she sat cris crossed, sitting across from each other. She looked up to see mhino looking at me,

" why do you always do that" he asked trying to old back a laugh.

"Do what" she asked him he just laughed historically out loud, " come on tell mee"

He took a breath and began, "ok ok, you always do a little dance when you eat"

"No I don't" Kalli said punching him in the shoulder.

"Yes you do"

"Nah ah"

" you don't even notice"

" if I did I'm sure I'd notice"

"Whatever it's cute when you do it."

She burst out laughing " you can't say that! Your a whole year older you creep!" She said yawning

" let's get you back to your room" he said taking her hand and helping her up.

Mhino walked her back to her room and they said their partings. And when Kalli opened the door She saw a very angry mama lain.


"Who? When? Where? Wait no it was Minho and it 5 minutes ago, didn't think I noticed did ya!" She started asking the questions left and right.

Kalli groaned as she hoped into bed to go to sleep.

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