Chapter 21

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"Wait someone's in the pit?" George said confused, no one yet had ever been put in the pit, "that's weird,"

"Let's go see who the dumb shank is," Minho said as they went to go see who it was.

The gang was shocked to here the slammer was being used by more than one person, considering the fact that it was built for emergencies and was expected to never be used. Alby, their leader made the rules very clear, making sure none of the shuckfaces dare to test the rules. 

When Gladers  arrived to the slammer they peered down into it to see..

"Greenie" Mhino questioned.

"Nooo I thought it was a griever," Kalli said, putting as much sarcasm into it as she could.

Kalli couldn't help but stare at Mhino, his features, and his pretty hair. She looked away before a repeat of this morning happened.

"Cat fight?" Kalli questioned sticking her hand into the slammer for a high-five. Lain response back with a half smile going to high-five her

Admiral Alby appeared out of absolutely no where and pulled Kalli away from the slammer before lain could high-five her.

"She got into a fight with Gally, it shouldn't be something she or anyone should be proud of."

Kalli sent the greenie a wink that says all it needs to say. (I'm proud of you)

Alby had told everyone to be on their way, so the runners went to map and kalli would bring the green bean food after.

Inside the runners hut was a very high tension, everyone had cleared out besides Newt, Mhino, and Kalli.

Newt kept kicking mhino under the table until Mhino finally had enough and slammer the table.

"What is your problem" Mhino yelled at Newt. The sudden out Burt's had startled Kalli and newt just snickered. Newt thought he was slick handing Mhino a folded note, but kalli saw it in the corner of her eye.

When are you going to ask her out?

The note read. Mhino snickered and dismissed the note. Kalli stayed after everyone had left to see if the note was left behind. And right under the seat was the note..

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