Chapter 26

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    Lain cleaned up her hands and washed all the blood that was from Kalli. Her hands were shaking and she was scared. She didn't show she was scared but the hands might give it away.

She didn't show up to lunch. Not because she wasn't hungry, but because she didn't feel like eating. She sat by a tree near the middle of the glade and picked grass all day. She didn't move at all. By dinner she was Newt and Alby go into the hut. Minho went up to her and told her that Kalli was up.

The girl just nodded as the boy left to do whatever. She stayed there till she saw the two come out of the hut. Looking a bit angry and sad at the same time. Newt walked passed her but Lain got up and grabbed his arm gently.

"Hey, you alright?" Lain asked gently (that's the first)

"Yeah I'm fine," Newt said looking down at her with a blank expression, "just- just annoyed, sad, relived, and I don't know,"

The girl smiled at him with sympathy which made the boy also smile sadly. She didn't know that Newt yelled at Kalli, thinking that he would never do that. But if she did know she would have never even comforted him.

"Well I'm not so great with words and all but," Lain said sliding her hand off of Newts arm, "it'll be okay, it will all work out. Trust the process," she finished and hugged him tightly, which he gladly did back.

After they let go Newt looked into her eyes while she avoided his. Getting this close to him and now realizing it made her get all flustered. She mentally slapped herself for acting like this while her friend was hurt. Right now Kalli was important.

"W-well I'm g-gonna just g-get Kalli some ummm uh c-cookies. You know, l-like who doesn't l-love cookies," Lain stuttered as she ran away from him to the kitchen.

She tripped and fell on the floor and got a face full of dirt. Newt went to go help her but she immediately got up and yelled, "IM OKAY!"

Newt stood there smiling. Which was something he needed right then and there.



"Go away!" Kalli yelled from the inside.

Knock knock

"I said go away Newt!" Kalli yelled once again.

Knock knock knock

"Same with you Alby GO AWAY!"

The door went wide open, and when it did Kalli's face went immediately softer once she saw who is was. Lain.

"Sorry to disappoint but I'm not Newt," Lain chuckled, "or Alby,"

"I'm sorry Lain," Kalli said as she looked down.

"It's fine," She said said sitting on a chair that was next to the bed, "I brought cookies, and you better eat them because Fry caught me and I had a full on lecture about sneaking in and stealing his cookies,"

Kalli smiled gratefully at her and ate one cookie. She wasn't really in the mood for eating but she didn't wanna bring Lain down. So she was gonna at least eat one for her. It was pretty quiet until Kalli spoke up.

"You're not gonna give me a lecture about trying to you know what," Kalli looked up ay the girl, "right?"

"Nah," Lain looked down, "unless you want one, am I little mad that you tried to do this? yes. But I know your going through stuff and if I were you I know I wouldn't want to be talking about my feelings to someone literally right after a whole... thing,"

Kalli nodded.

"And you would probably want some alone time," Lain smiled as she stood up to leave, "and you should get some rest anyway,"

Kalli nodded smiling pursing her lips. Lain got up and walked out. But she said one more thing.

"Trust the process,"

She walked out and bumped into an annoyed Alby.

"What's up with you?" Lain asked a little harshly.

"Don't even give me attitude right now Lain I'm not in the mood-"

Lain cut him off, "For what Alby?! Are you pissed that Kalli did this? Are you pissed because you thought she was being selfish? I'll tell you what's selfish, being mad at someone you know you care about for actually surviving something that not most people could. I mean now your making me pissed! Because unlike you, I'm happy that she's okay. Unlike you I'm not yelling at her or making it worse. I respect her. Like you should. As leader."

Alby looked at her angrily before replying, "I don't care Lain. I don't wanna hear any of this anymore. I'm done talking to you. And maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut. Because you more then welcome to spend another day in the pit. No food this time."

Lain glared at him before walked away. She slammed her shared hut door closed and sat on the bed till she heard something fall on the ground. She immediately grabbed something to defend her self with and walked closer to the sound. She opened the door and saw Minho holding his hands up and defense.

"Oh hey Lain," Minho smiled awkwardly, "fancy seeing you here,"

She started at him blankly before wacking him in the head with the piece of wood in her hand.

"Oww," Minho groaned.

Then they both heard another noise coming from the other closet. Lain walked up to it again quietly with Minho... hiding behind her. She opened the closet door and held the wood up high ready to hit the thing in there. And it was Newt.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh," Lain groaned, "what are you two even doing here.

"Couldn't sleep," they both said at the same time.

"Okay let me be more specific," Lain said as Newt and Minho stood side by side in front of her, "what were you two doing in the closets?"

The both looked before Newt spoke, "we didn't want to scare you from seeing us in here so we snuck in and to be honest we weren't thinking you would come here,"

"You know since you were at the tree the whole day," Minho added.

Lain rolled her eyes and told them leave but they didn't even budge.

"Why are you guys still here?" Lain asked getting annoyed, "I have no time for Chatman and robin,"

"I wanna just say that I'm glad you stood up to Alby, defending Kalli," Minho said as he walked out, "and I'm definitely Chatman,"

"Yeah any time," Lain said as her eyes then went to Newts.

"Why are you still here hm?"

"I also wanted to say that I'm also glad about what you did,"

"Yeah it's whatever people wanna be asswholes I'll show them who's the real asswhole,"

Newt chuckled. Lain saw that Newt wasn't planning on leaving any time.

"Would you like something," she asked her voice suddenly getting softer.

"Umm yeah actually," Newt scratched the back of his neck, "your company.... You know because whenever I'm around you things feel okay or like you could always make things get better then what they are and just plain being around you is weirdly comforting,"

Lain smile at his little rant, "umm yeah sure y-you can... stay,"

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