Chapter 5

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"Rise and shine you two! Time to wake up!" A male voice yelled.

Kalli groaned and sat up to see who was at the door. When she looked up she saw the same rat human that she saw yesterday. Once she looked at him she sighed and got out of bed to brush her teeth. On here way there she saw Lain still sound asleep.

She looked at a pillow that was by her, picked it up, looked at for a little bit till she whacked Lain in the head with it to wake her up.

"Jesus-! Did your really have to do that?!" Lain shouted in utter shock.

"Yes." Kalli said before making her way to the bathroom.

Lain looked up and saw that the man was still there watching them. Like studying them almost. He looks like he trying to figure what the kids act like and how they behave around one another. If they could use that to their advantage in any way.

The man finally left and Lain let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in. She looked at the now locked door to the door to the bathroom. She knew Kalli was already using it so she just layed on her back thinking.

Kalli was in the bathroom for at most 5 minutes but according to Lain it felt like she been in there for 5 hours at least.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Kalli asked as she got out.

"Oh nothin just thinking how long it could possibly take for you to brush that pretty hair of yours and brush your teeth," Lain said getting up.

Kalli chuckled before answering, "I did not take that long, besides you'll probably take twice as long."

"Mhm sure, watch me," Lain said before closing the door to the bathroom.

"Watch you change-?"

"No! Y-you know what I mean," Lain said while shaking her head and smiling. She knew this girl would be the death of her already.

It took Lain three minutes to change and brush her teeth. The hair was easy, all she had to do was brush a little since her hair was a little curly and only people with curly hair would get it if you brush it. So all she did was wet it so it would stay down and wouldn't be all over the place.

Lain got out of the bathroom with a smirk on her face, "Told ya."

"Oh come on! You only-" Kalli wasn't able to finish her sentence because two guards showed up to escort them to the place Kalli was yesterday. The cafeteria.

Kalli was walking but stopped once she noticed that Lain wasn't following.

"Why aren't you coming," Kalli asked as she walked back up to the girl, "your legs don't work or something?"

"Do you really expect me to trust these people?" Lain asked she looked at Kalli, "I mean I know they saved my life and all but... I don't know,"

Kalli sighed before replying, "Look, about two days ago I woke up here, I don't know how but I did," Kalli started, "but ever since I've been told I was... special in a way, and I remember when guards came up to my dorm, and you know what happened?"


"They took me to a cafeteria with food and I met these pretty cool dudes, trust me," Kalli finished.

Lain looked at the girl for a moment before finally nodding and following the guards. As they were walking Lain remembered what Kalli had said, that they told her she was special. Lain thought for a while before realizing that Kalli met other people too, they were probably special too.

But then she remembered that Ava had told her that she wasn't. If she wants special, why was she even there? Why even save her life? Maybe she really was special to them... in a way.

They finally made to the cafeteria doors before Lain could continue her thoughts for any longer. One of the guards scanned their cards and the doors opened. Everyone's eyes landed on the two but it felt like they were all eyeing Lain. She felt uncomfortable with all the attention.

So she ran.

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