Chapter two

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"This is the cafeteria, it can get chaotic in there so some people sit outside in the parking lot but personally I go behind the gym or I sit at Steve's car." I said as we walked into the cafeteria that still had lingering students even though the bell had already rung "If you're so popular then why do you sit outside by yourself." I just scoffed at what he said and stopped in place. "Well I can technically sit wherever I want because I'm my own person and I would prefer to not sit around dozens of teenagers who are A-grade assholes." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the cafeteria hoping that honestly I would lose him and he would have to figure it out on his own but he was quick to turn around and follow me.

"Alright no need to be a bitch." This kids first impression is getting worse and worse every time he opens his mouth I swear. He can figure the rest of the shit out on his own, I'm pretty sure after all the looks he was getting this morning any girl would be willing to help show him around. They would probably be willing to do anything to get in his pants too. I walked us to our first period and he didn't hesitate to open the door for me "Go ahead beautiful" that dumb smirk was plastered on his face but it was kinda sweet that he opened the door for me. "Ah look Miss Harrington decided it's time to finally show up and it looks like she has a boyfriend with her." I just rolled my eyes at Mr. Stevens and went to my desk while he looked at me for an explanation. Billy stood by the door not knowing what to do while everyone's eyes were either on me or on him.

"He's new and I was told to show him around by Ms. Lilly because we have all the same classes." I could hear the scoffs from randomly people. Do they seriously want him that bad. "Well thank you Miss Harrington and you are?" He turned to Billy yet Billy was just staring at me. He's cute I'll give him that, but he's a basic new boy who is trying to be a bad boy. It's so obvious especially with the way he dressed and the way he acted. "I'm Billy Hargrove."

"Well Billy, go ahead and sit next to Miss Harrington since you two are best friends already." Which Billy didn't hesitate to listen to and plopped down in the seat next to me. Of course with my luck this doesn't surprise me. I just payed attention to the work during the rest of the class while trying to ignore Billy flirting with almost 5 different girls at the same time. How did the girls not care about the fact the was flirting with all of them, like he doesn't want just one of you so why even try it. Soon enough the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and walked to second period at least in this class I have Steve and Nancy in it so I don't have to deal with Billy. "Wait up Harrington you're walking too fast" did he seriously think I was going to actually wait up for him. "I'm pretty sure those other 5 girls would gladly help you find your class." And with that I sped away to second period.

When I walked in Nancy and Steve looked at me with giant grins on their face. I sat down at my spot across from Steve since each table holds four people. Nancy sat next to him and I sat across from Steve and then the seat across from Nancy was empty. Steve never let anyone sit there for some reason. "Is it true that Mr. Stevens called the new boy your boyfriend in front of everyone and the new boy was okay with it." How the hell did Nancy even hear about that, literally it happened not even a full forty minutes ago. I'm not surprised though, Nancy always hears about the gossip right as it happens. That's one of the reasons why she's so good at the Hawkins High paper. Just as I was about to speak, Billy came walking in with a pissed expression on his face. His eyes instantly found mine and he made his way to the seat across from Nancy and sat down. Mine and Nancy's mouth dropped at the fact that Steve didn't tell him to move all he did was ask him what Billy's problem was yet Billy didn't care and just turned to me.

"I told you to wait up but you left me behind. Are you serious Harrington." Obviously he wasn't very happy that I left him behind. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Do you have a problem with my sister or something because word going around is that you're already okay with getting called her boyfriend." Is Steve serious right now is he trying to egg shit on right now. Billy expression went from pissed of to now his dumb smirk "Oh so you're the King Steve that everyone talks about. You're my competition right now." My jaw dropped to the floor. So he's competing against Steve to be the Hawkins High King. I honestly don't understand people, why would you want to represent this shitty school anyways. I'm not about to deal with this, fuck that. I grabbed my stuff and stood up and went to the teacher to ask if I could talk to the counselor and obviously they said yes and I walked out the door. Am I actually going to go see the counselor? Fuck no, I'm about to go outside and sit in Steve's car for the rest of the period. Maybe take a nap too.

I walked out the school doors and got to Steve's car and grabbed the door handle to get in "Hey Harrington! Wait up!" He followed me out of class, is he serious right now. I left class to not have to deal with his stupidity and now he followed me to the car. I let go of the door handle and closed the door and started walking away from Steve's car and started walking to the gym. Maybe he'll take that as a hint that he's getting on my nerves. But once again I was wrong as I felt him grab my shoulder and stop me and turn me around to face him. "What is with you and running away." His confusion was plastered all over his face. "Does it really look like I want to entertain your bullshit, you're currently in the mood to start up a competition with my brother and plus you're obsessed with the attention your getting and I'm not one to hang around people who are like that. So that's why I'm running away constantly, Hargrove." And with that I pulled my shoulder away from his grasp and continued walking to behind the gym and not surprisingly he was following me but he wasn't saying anything. We both sat down behind the gym and just stared at the grass and the flowers and the sky. None of us really said anything and if I'm being honest the company was nice. Nothing was uncomfortable or awkward. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. He took one out of the pack and then offered me one. I shook my head no and he just shrugged his shoulders. He took a couple drags before he said anything.

"You know out of the whole two hours I've been here you're basically one of the only ones who aren't trying to get into my pants." I'm not surprised that everyone has been trying to get into his pants since he first got here. He's new so basically it's like preschool and he's the shiny new toy everyone wanted and everyone would fight over. His bright blue eyes were set on mine, his were like a bright blue ocean, you could drown in them if you admired them for too long. There wasn't any certain emotions hidden in them, no fear, no confusion, nothing. I snapped myself out of it and I could feel my cheeks slightly start to warm up. I wasn't blushing though, it was more along the lines of being embarrassed that I was staring at his eyes for that long. "Well I guess I should take pride in that shouldn't I" he just chuckled and shook his head and then took another drag of his cigarette and then put it out on the cement we were sitting on.

He stood up and walked over to the grass and picked one of the random purple flowers that were there that were soon to start to die because of the fall weather that's starting up. He walked back over to me and crouched down to get on my level and reached his hand out to give me the flower. "Go give that Tina, I heard she's head over heels for you Hargrove." I rolled my eyes and looked away from Billy who was right in front of me "Just shut the fuck up and take the god damn flower because this will never happen again so just take it while you can." His tone made me look back to him and I grabbed the flower from his hands. He sat back down next to me as I grabbed a book out of my bag. I put the flower in the book so I could press it or whatever they call it. Basically so I can keep it for a long time like I do with all the other flowers I pick. "Did you seriously just smash the flower I gave you right in front of me." So I explained to him what I was doing and the process of how it works "alright flower girl let's go, we got a class to walk to."

I put my book back in my bag and zipped it up and we both got up and made our way from around the gym, luckily the bell didn't ring yet so no one was really around. We got right to our second period classroom right as the bell rang so we just made our way over to our third period class.

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