Chapter Seventeen

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We got to the train tracks and we parked next to them because Steve didn't want to get his car messed up. Understandable I guess. We all got out and Dustin handed me and Steve yellow gloves to put on. All three of us slipped on the gloves and moved to the trunk to get the meat out and the gasoline. While me and Steve started grabbing everything out Dustin started talking to Lucas on his headset because I guess he just found out that Erica had turned off his Walkie. I don't know, I didn't really care to tune into the conversation. We started walking down the railroad track each of us throwing a couple pieces of meat down with every other step we took. I was in front while they were behind me.

"So let me get this straight, you kept something that was highly dangerous just to impress a girl who you just met." Like Steve has much room to talk, I remember back in middle school he tried to impress this girl by doing some weird swimming trick in the school pool and he basically almost drowned himself. The second hand embarrassment was crazy, but at least now he is like a swimming god in Hawkins. "Alright, that's grossly over simplifying things." It's really not though. I'm not one to agree with Steve but right now I am. Dustin could have gotten seriously hurt all because he wanted to impress Max. "Why would a girl like some nasty slug anyways." Dustin was quick to interrupt him from saying anything "An interdenominational slug, because it's awesome." I shook my head as I continued to throw meat down. Men are so weird these days. I truly don't get it. They kept on talking about girls and Steve even told Dustin to just pretend that he doesn't care because that just draws all the girls in and I knew I had to interrupt him there.

"Don't do that, if you pretend you don't care then they are going to assume that you actually don't care and it'll just push them away. Trust me" Steve rolled his eyes and tried to convince dustin otherwise. Everything was quiet for a bit until Steve spoke up. He told Dustin his hair routine because that's what Steve is known for and that's supposedly how he pulls all the ladies. People literally call him Steve 'the hair' Harrington. "If you tell anyone what I told you, your ass is grass. You're dead. Got it Henderson?" So extra for no reason. We got to the junk yard and poured the rest of the meat in our buckets into a big pile in the middle of the junk yard. "I said Medium rare!" We all turned to the voice and saw Lucas waving at us and Max was next to him.

"What the hell is she doing here? Why is she involved in this?" I know I shouldn't have been that harsh to Dustin but seriously how did Max get dragged into this. "Is that our neighbor?" I nodded my head to Steve as Lucas and Max made their way over to us. "Can I talk to you?" Dustin said to Lucas and they walked to an old red car and crouched down behind it. Steve told me and Max to start grabbing whatever scraps we could and put them by the yellow bus. Steve walked away and I turned to Max. "Not to sound like a bitch or anything but why are you here?" She wasn't shocked or anything but she shrugged her shoulders as she responded "Lucas told me everything about El and Will and the Demogorgons and wanted me to come with him." Why is she so nonchalant about this. I smacked my hand against my forehead, well we now know not to trust Lucas with not telling anyone anything.

"You do understand what you're getting yourself into right?" I said while still not understanding why she would risk her life right now. " I mean like yeah I guess, I don't really believe him but we'll see what happens." We both grabbed two pieces of scraps and started carrying them to the bus "That makes sense I suppose, wait. Does Billy know that you're here?" Billy is going to lose his mind if he hasn't already. I already know that this is going to end with Neil yelling and hitting Billy for Max not being in the house. That's how it always goes, Billy basically has to watch over Max like a babysitter. "I didn't even tell him I was leaving, I snuck out of my window." Is she serious right now. I was about to say something but a loud bang stopped me. "Hey, dickheads, how come the only ones helping me out are my random neighbor and my sister? We lose light in forty minutes, let's go." He smacked on the car again and Dustin and Lucas followed him. "Alright asshole" Dustin replied as he rolled his eyes.

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