Chapter Ten

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I was woken up to the sounds of Steve knocking on my door. "Your alarm already went off once, if you don't wake up now then you're going to be late!" 7:45 I didn't even hear my alarm going off. I only have like 15 minutes to get completely ready. "Alright I'm going!" I got out of bed and ran to my closet. I grabbed a random sweater and my dark wash mom jeans. I slipped everything on and put my shoes on. I honestly looked like a mad man with the way I'm moving around in my room but I don't care. I ran to the bathroom and bushed my teeth and did my hair and put some chapstick on. I looked down at my watch. 7:55. I put deodorant and perfume on and grabbed my bag and basically ran out my bedroom door and grabbed a banana while I passed the kitchen and made my way to the front door where Steve was waiting with he keys swinging in a circle on his middle finger. He opened the door and signaled for me to go, which I quickly did. I made my way to the passengers side and got in and we headed on our way to school.

When we got to school I could feel the tension when I saw Jonathan and Nancy standing at Jonathan's car. Steve let a deep sigh out and just opened up his door and got out and didn't say anything. I got out and looked to my right and saw the familiar blue Camaro but he wasn't leaning against the hood and smoking a cigarette. He was leaned up the hood with Rebecca in front of him and I could hear her laughs all the way from here. The gush of wind sent shivers down my spine as I opened up my bag and took out the jacket that Billy had left at my house and slipped it on. His eyes immediately darted over my way when I did but I turned my attention to Steve who looks completely out of it. "Maybe you should just try to talk it out with her, Steve. Who knows what might happen." He looked over and Nancy and Jonathan who was already looking at us "I'll think about it." And with that he got up and made his way inside. I followed behind and went to my first period class.

Around 15 minutes into class the door swung open and Billy walked in with a huge smirk on his face. "So great of you to finally join us Mr. Hargrove. Please, have a seat." The sarcasm in Mr. Steven's voice didn't phase Billy one bit "Gladly." He made his way over to the desk next to me and when he went to go sit down he leaned over towards me "Nice jacket by the way Harrington." I rolled my eyes and went back to looking at the board and writing down my notes. The whole class like normal was girls throwing themselves at him. If he wasn't a dick or so confusing and didn't whore around then maybe the way I looked at him would be different, but things aren't like that so in my mind he's still a confusing guy who likes to get in anyone and everyone's pants. The bell rang to release us to our next class and I already know that the tension is going to be thick. Steve and Nancy always sit together so I wonder how it's going to be now. I made my way to second period and when I walked in I saw Steve but no Nancy. She was here this morning so I'm assuming she just didn't want to be here for this class which is completely understandable. Give it a day and everything will be normal and they'll be back together again. They always fight and then get back together. It's a weird dynamic but honestly I feel like it's because of our examples.

Our parents are constantly having issues with being faithful and then Nancy's parents don't even really love each other nor do they express that they truly care for each other. The examples in our lives are shit. I sat down with Steve and in came Billy "Billy sit over here, Jasper can move." Then Rebecca almost pushed Jasper out of his seat. He grabbed his stuff and made his way over to me and Steve. "Could I sit here?" Steve was too deep in his feelings to give an actual reply so he just nodded his head and Jasper took the seat next to me. Jasper was a tall guy who wasn't super buff nor was he super lanky, like right in the middle. He had a nice olive skin tone with light blue eyes , he had brown hair that looked black at times. He's always been in the class since the first day of school and he's definitely caught my eye a couple times but nothing more than that. Occasionally during the rest of that period he would lean over and say something and we would talk and then get back to doing our work. He was actually a super sweet kid.

"Hey, do you want to go to the movies tonight?" He said while putting his stuff in his bag as we were getting ready to leave. I looked over at Steve to see his opinion and he just nodded his head and gave me the okay to go. "Yeah sure, pick me up at seven?" Once again that feeling of someone staring at you so hard that it feels like they are burning holes into you body is back. I turn to my left and I meet Billy's eyes. He was staring dead at me with his jaw clenched with his arm over Rebecca's shoulder. The bell signaled for us to go and school was smooth sailing for the rest of the day basically well until seventh period. Me and Steve was talking and I decided to go watch him play basketball in his class period today. It's not like coach is going to yell at me anyways. Me and Steve made our way into the gym while he went to the locker room and I went to the top of the bleachers.

The second bell rang which made kids walk out of the locker room ready to start their PE class and get the day over with. To no surprise Billy came out without a shirt on and as expected all the girls were staring him down like he was a fucking meal, hell even the guys were staring him down. He didn't have a full six pack but you could definitely see where it was starting to come in. His tan skin made his blue eyes and his dirty blonde hair stand out. I'm assuming he could feel me staring at him just like everyone else because he looked at me and shot me a wink with his dumb little grin. The coach yelled out and told the boys that they would be playing basketball. The girls all went to the bleachers to watch the boys play, they spilt up into two teams. Steve was the leader of one and Billy was the leader of the other one. The game was going decent, Billy would occasionally push or shove Steve and taunt him but Billy completely got Steve on the ground. Billy bent down to Steve's face and grabbed his hand like he was going to pick him up and said something to him but then dropped him back down. The coach then blew the whistle letting everyone know to go back into the locker rooms and take a shower and change back into your school clothes to go home. I took that as my sign to wait by the locker room for Steve. One by one boys come walking out I assumed that basically all the boys were out except for Billy and Steve which didn't give me a good feeling but Steve is grown enough to handle it on his own... well.... actually I'm just not going to touch up on that. Suddenly the door snaps open and out comes Billy Hargrove with that cocky look on his face and then Steve trailed out too. The bell rang and everyone walked to their rides to go home and I made my way to the Middle school to grab Dustin for his ride home.

As I was walking back with Dustin, Max caught up with us and started to walk with us back to the highschool. "It's okay if I walk with you right?" It's crazy how different her and Billy are, she's so sweet and funny while Billy is a complete asshole. "Yeah of course." I could see Dustin's cheeks get a little red and he started to play with the straps of his backpack when Max came up to us. Almost like he was nervous but why though. I'll definitely ask him about that in the car. We made our way over to the cars and Steve was talking to one of his friends and Billy was smoking a cigarette with his arm around Rebecca. That feeling came back. I don't want to say it was jealousy because I would sound dumb but I feel like it could honestly be jealousy. Dustin ran over to Steve, while me and Max made our way over to Billy and Rebecca but before we could fully reach them Max stopped in her tracks and turned to me. "You know that he likes you right? He wouldn't wait for you to get home every day and then go outside when you do in hopes of you seeing him. Hell, he even makes me go outside too because he knowns you'll talk to me. He even goes into your window just to talk to you and so you can clean him up. Make a move y/n please, I'm tired of the random ass girls." She whispered to me so no one else could hear her. I would want to believe her but once again why would he be sleeping with anyone and everyone if he has feelings for someone. "Maybe if he wasn't currently sleeping with half of the school then I would." We both rolled our eyes as she laughed and we started walking again to Billy's car. She got to the car and I waved bye and walked over to Steve and Dustin who was getting in the car.

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