Chapter Eighteen

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We started walking down the railroad track back to Steve's cars. Steve and Dustin was in the front, Lucas and Max was behind them and then I was behind Lucas and Max. I couldn't help but think about Billy. Hell, we were supposed to be on a date tonight. Yet obviously Dart and his friends had other plans. I just want for all these upside down creatures to go away for once in my damn life. I want a nice causal date with Billy, not walking on the railroad tracks with my brother and three thirteen year olds while trying to find out where the Demogorgons we were hunting went. I want everyone to be safe in their beds watching movies and eating popcorn or something. I want the kids to have a normal childhood where they aren't having to risk their lives almost everyday. I can't wait until we all get out of this shitty town.

"You're positive that was Dart?" Dustin sighed before he answered, "Yes, he had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt." Ah yes the random dotted yellow pattern, if I'm being honest if Dart wasn't a highly dangerous demogorgon he could've been super cool. "Well he was tiny two days ago." Max sounded like she was trying to believe Dustin but she was struggling to fully take in the fact that Dart turned into what he looks like now. "Well, he's molted three times since then." Dustin explained "Malted?" Steve is seriously a senior and knows as much as a seven year old. "Molted, shed his skin to make room for more growth like hornworms." Dustin corrected Steve with a matter of fact tone "Well when is he going to molt again?" I spoke up which caused Dustin to do a quick glance back at me and he shined his flashlight in my eye which caused me to quickly shield my eyes from the bright light with my hand. He looked back ahead as he started talking "Well it has to be soon, when he does he'll be fully grown or close to it so will his friends." I nodded my head as if he could see me.

"Yeah and he's going to eat a lot more than just cats." I could practically hear Steve rolling his eyes "Wait, cat?" Lucas stopped Dustin and got in front of him which caused the whole group to stop "Dart ate a cat?" Lucas asked Dustin which caused Dustin's eyes to go wide "What, no." Dustin was shaking his head. "What are you talking about? He ate Mews, I literally had to pick her up and help you bury her." Everyone turned to look at me "Mews? Who's Mews?" Max asked with a confused look on her face. "It's Dustin's cat." I shrugged my shoulders not understanding what the big deal was and why everyone was looking at me.

"Y/n!" Dustin yell but Lucas was quick to speak up. "I knew it! You kept him!" Lucas sounded upset "No! No! No! No I-! He missed me, he wanted to come home!" Lucas rolled his eyes "Bullshit" he was pissed "I didn't know he was a Demogorgon! Okay?!" Dustin's hands were flying in the air as he was speaking "Oh, so you admit it!" Lucas was about to say more before Max jumped in "Guys who cares, we have to go." She sounded calm and just wanted the boys to stop but obviously the boys being them, they kept going. "I care, you put the party in jeopardy. You broke the rule of law." Lucas said in Dustin's face. "So did you!" Dustin was upset, like majorly upset. I could lowly hear growling in the distance like it was far but loud enough where it could be slightly heard from here. I pointed my light towards the wood "Guys.." the three kids kept fighting while Steve got closer to me and heard what I had heard "Guys!" He yelled and the kids listen to them.

I started walking into the woods and Steve was quick to follow. After walking through the woods we made it to a grassy area but I couldn't see much with the fog. Lucas brought his binoculars up to his eyes and looked through them for a second. "It's the lab, they were going back home." We started going through the rest of the woods that led us to the lab, as we was getting closer to the lab we suddenly heard someone yelling "Hello! Who's there!" I turned to Steve who nodded his head to tell me to keep going and turned back and kept walking towards the person yelling "I said who's there!" We got out of the woods and shined the light at the people and to my surprise it was Nancy and Jonathan.

"Steve? Y/n?" They both shouted "Nancy?" Steve shouted back as Dustin shouted out Jonathan's name. As we got closer to the two I could sense that something was off between them. They were super closer to each other and were basically practically holding hands. That's when it hit me. They like each other. My jaw dropped "what are you two doing here?" I asked and Nancy stuttered a bit as she replied that they're looking for Mike and Will. "They aren't in there by any chance?" Dustin said while looking at the lab. "I don't know, why?" Nancy said when suddenly the loud screeching started up again. Which caused everyone to turn to the lab. I moved towards the back and stood to the left of Max so I didn't get in between her and Lucas. "Are you okay?" I leaned over to her so she could hear me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I gave her a reassuring smile.

Everyone huddled into a group and started arguing about something when I noticed the power was back on "Guys, the lights. The powers back." We all ran over to the gate while Jonathan ran over to the security thing to open it but I guess the button wasn't working. Dustin went in the security box with Jonathan and tried it a few times and it still wasn't working. Then suddenly the gate opened up. Jonathan and Nancy were quick to get in their car and drive off which left the rest of us to wait at the gate. A few minutes passed when suddenly headlights from multiple cars were shining at us and the cars were honking telling us to get out the way. Me and Steve pulled all the kids to the side when Jonathan's car drove past us then hoppers car stopped at us and he yelled at us to get in. Me and Steve ushered the kids in first and then I got in and then Steve sat in the passenger seat. Hopper didn't say much except for the fact that we're going to the Byers residence.

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