Chapter Twenty

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Suddenly the lights started flickering, we all ran to the kitchen window that pointed at the shed to see if we could see anything but there was nothing. We waited a couple more minutes but there was still nothing. Everyone went back to their spots when suddenly everyone rushed in. Hopper grabbed a random piece of paper and a crayon he found. He sat down at the table and everyone circled around the table. He started writing down dashes and dots. He was doing Morse code. "What is that?" Steve asked and everyone together said "Morse code". "H..E..R..E." Hopper spelled out "Here. Will is still in there." Hopper made a plan. The plan was for Jonathan to grab the mixtape with Will's favorite song on it and the radio and they were going to play that while talking to him to get Will to say, well tap more. Hopper was going to have a Walkie in his hand and do the Morse code that Will was taping and the rest of us were going to be using another Walkie and a Morse code guide to figure out what Will was trying to say. We started figuring out each letter.
Randomly the phone started ringing. We all ran over to it and Dustin picked up the phone and slammed it back down which caused it to stop for a second before it started ringing again. I grabbed the base of the phone and ripped it off the wall and threw it on the ground while everyone just stared at me. It stopped ringing at least. "Do you think he heard that." I looked at Max and she had fear in her eyes. "It's just a phone, it could be anywhere... right?" Steve responded. There was growling in the distance which caused us all to look at the back door "Uh.. that's not good." Dustin said as we walked closer to the door.

Everyone ran inside and Jonathan set Will down in his room. Hopper came inside and closed the door behind him, he had a gun in his hand when he picked up another he had gotten while at the lab. He yelled at the kids to back away from the windows and everyone took a couple steps back. "Can anyone use this?" Hopper nudged the gun towards Jonathan but he shook his head no "I can" Nancy said and hopper threw her a gun. God damn, I think I just got more respect for Nancy wheeler. Everyone was standing in the living room with their weapons pointed at the front door. Steve was in front of me and Dustin with his bat, Lucas was in front of Max with his wrist rocket thing, Nancy was in front of Jonathan and Joyce with her gun, Mike was standing next to Nancy with a trophy in his hands, and hopper was slightly in front of me but also in front of max at the same time. The screeching and growling was getting closer. The bushes started moving and with every growl we all turned and faced the certain window the growling was coming from.

We all turned back to the living room window when there was a loud growl and then suddenly a demodog flew through the window shattering glass everywhere and it landed and slid on the floor and hit a corner table. We all inched closer to it since it wasn't moving at all "Is it dead?" Max asked as hopper moved it with his foot to confirm that it was in fact dead. The deadbolt on the door was suddenly unlocked and everyone turned to the front door and pointed their weapons. The door opened by itself and El walked in. She had on a black coat and a black shirt. Her hair was slicked back and it looked like she had on a black eyeshadow that was light enough to not make it super dark but at least noticeable, her pants were cuffed up so it showed her long white socks and she had on dirty white chuck Taylor's. Everyone's jaw had dropped because everyone assumed she had died, except for Hopper. He didn't look surprised at all. Mike stepped closer to El with tears in his eyes and for a second no one said anything. Everyone was in shock and couldn't believe that El was right in front of us. I stood there and put my hand over my mouth in disbelief. Hell, I couldn't even believe that she was alive. I thought she was gone.

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