Chapter Twenty Six

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"Her house... we need to go.." El said as she stood up. She put her raincoat back on and put the picture in her pocket. Me and Max turned all the showers off and we got on our bikes and left. It was still raining as hard as could be and it was starting to get dark. Let me correct myself, it was dark. El told us the numbers of the house and I knew what street it was on so I led the way. We got to heathers house and her front door was red. That was the red door El saw. We got off of our bikes and leaned them against the mailbox as we walked up to the door.

El unlocked the door and we walked in. Billy and Heather could be in danger so we don't have time to sit and knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. We walked into the house and pulled our hoods down as we made our way to where the sound of music and laughing was coming from. We walked into the dinning room and at the circle dining table at the far left was an older lady who I was assuming was Heather's mom and then next to her was Billy and then at the far right was an older man who I'm assuming was Heather's dad and then there was an empty seat across from Billy. Why is he eating dinner here and didn't bring it up to me at all.

All of their eyes fell onto us "Max? Y/n?" His tone of voice was proper, just like the way he sounded whenever him and Max would join me and my parents for dinner whenever they're home. "We didn't mean to barge in, we tried to knock but maybe you did hear us over the storm." Max explained while me and El nodded our heads. "I'm sorry but who is this dripping all over my living room right now?" The older guy said while looking between us and Billy. Billy chuckled while chewing the piece of food that he had in his mouth.

"I'm sorry. Janet, Tom, this is my sister Maxine and my girlfriend Y/n." He put his napkin on the table and got up to make his way towards us. "Oh!" Janet said while looking shocked and happy while Tom looked pissed "What on earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?" Billy got closer to us "We just wanted to make sure everything was okay." I said which caused him to lean down a bit "Okay? Why wouldn't it be okay?" Something was definitely off.

"Where is she?" El spoke up which caused Billy to snap his head to look at her "I'm sorry, where is who?" I heard Heather's voice coming out of the kitchen "Well, they're a little burnt. I'm sorry." She had a pan of cookies in her hand and looked up at us as she got to the table "Heather! This is My sister Maxine and you already know Y/n! I'm sorry, I did not quite catch your name?" Billy said while turning his attention back to El "El" when suddenly  his voice changed, it got deeper.

"El. Now what was it that you were saying, El? You were looking for somebody? El turned to look at Heather who looked completely confused "I..I.. I saw-" I was quick to cut her off "Your manager, at the pool. He said you guys didn't come into work today so he got worried." Billy put his hand on my shoulder to grab my attention and then quickly went back to holding his hands together in front of him.

"Heather wasn't feeling so hot today so we thought we'd take the day off so we could nurse her back to health. You're feeling just fine right now, aren't you Heather?" We all turned to look at Heather "I'm feeling so much better" she said with a smile on her face "Do you girls want a cookie? They're fresh out of the oven." She held the pan out towards us "Actually they have to go home. Steve is probably worried sick about y/n." Billy said as he ushered us back to the front door and basically pushed all three of us out.

We walked back over to the bikes and got on and went back home. The girls went to Max's house as I went into my house. Steve's car wasn't home so I made my way inside the house. I made something quick to eat and washed my dish and put it up to try. I did my night routine and laid down in bed. Something isn't right about all of this. The ice, the blood, the way Billy and Heather were acting. Something bad is going on and I can feel it.

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