Chapter Twenty Five

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I was woken up by that familiar engine driving down the road but he wasn't coming home, he was leaving to go somewhere. I got out from underneath the covers and touched the cold ground. As I was walking to my door I heard the front door open and close "Steve?!" I yelled questioning if it was him "Yeah it's me! Come down here!" I looked over at my clock and the time showed eight pm. I opened my door and walked to the living room where I saw Steve sitting there on the couch in his Scoops uniform with his hat messily plopped on the top of his head and sat down next to him and he let out a huge sigh.

"You know that secret Russian thing dustin was talking about, while in the tape there was music in the background and we basically found out that the message didn't come from Russia. It came from Hawkins, it came from the mall." Come the fuck on, every year it's new bullshit isn't it. The past two years it's been the upside down and now we have Russians plotting something in Hawkins. How fun. "We're fucked aren't we" I looked over to Steve and he looked at me with a hint of fear in his eyes. "I don't know y/n, I really don't know." I let out a sigh and got up from the couch to go get a drink from the kitchen.

"Also your boyfriend left to go somewhere, He came out stomping and cussing to his car all dressed up and then got in and drove off." Where would he be going, he didn't tell me he was going anywhere but once again he's his own person and he doesn't have to tell me where he's going. "It's probably to just some party or something." Since he took over Steve's spot as Hawkins king a year ago he parties all the time, I don't have a problem with it of course. I walked back into the living room "I'm going to go lay back down now." I said as Steve nodded his head and I went back to my room. I placed my water on my nightstand and laid back down.

I was woken up to banging on my bedroom door and then right as I open my eyes Max and El bust into my room making my door fly open and hit the wall "what the hell you two" I rubbed my eyes "We have an emergency, a huge emergency." I looked down at their hands and in Max's hands she's holding a lifeguard fanny pack which I'm assuming is Billy's and then in El's hand she's holding a bloody whistle that the lifeguards use. I could already tell that this wasn't good.

I sat up and that's when they started telling me everything, how El used her powers and located Billy and how she basically thinks that Billy saw her and she heard a girl screaming in fear and they went to the house to check on him and he wasn't there and in the bathroom they found the bathtub full of water and had empty ice bags floating in it and then in the trash can they found the whistle and the Fanny pack. I had a really really bad gut feeling about this. I rushed to get dressed and brush my teeth and hair.

I offered to drive but the girls said that they don't want to the car to give us away so we would have to walk. I looked out the window and it looked like it was going to rain so I grabbed three raincoats that I had, a red one, a yellow one, and a white one. I gave the yellow one to max and the red one to El. "You two look like ketchup and mustard." They looked at each other and started laughing. "You have bikes right?" Max suddenly asked me "Yeah we have two why?" I took us to where the bikes were outside and Max and El got on one together and I got on the other one.

As we were biking to the pool it started pouring rain so the three of us put our hoods up. We got to the pool and everyone was going home so it was kinda chaotic. We parked the bikes and made our way to the desk guy "Excuse me?" Max said and the desk guy didn't even look up before he started speaking "No one in the water until thirty minutes after the last strike and don't try to argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted? Go climb a tree." I let out a sigh "yeah well we don't want to swim or get electrocuted...We found this." I said as El pulled out the fanny pack and desk guy looked up at us "Oh hey Mrs. Hargrove-" Max cut him off before he could say anything else "Does this belong to anyone here?" He looked at the bag and then back at us "Oh yeah, that's Heather's. I'll get it back to her." He said while nodding his head "We could give it back to her" El offered "You could except she's not here, bailed on me today." The three of us looked at each other and then El turned around and looked at the bulletin board they have up that has pictures of all the lifeguards and then some random flyers. El walked over to the board and so me and Max followed.

"Heather, do you think you can find her?" Max asked since all that max needs is a picture to find someone she's never met before. El ripped the picture off the wall and we walked to the locker room. Me and max turned on all the showers for the noise El needs while she taped the clear part of a pair of goggles to make it pitch black. I seriously don't have a good feeling about this at all. "What do you see?" I asked but my tone sounded more along the lines of me begging for an answer. "A door... a red door.." Nothing significant about a red door instantly came to mind. A red door could be anywhere.

El started screaming and then threw off the goggles and was gasping for air. "El! What happened!" I asked while Max grabbed her shoulder to try to calm her down. When El didn't say anything Max let go of her shoulder and looked up at me. This is bad. Really bad.

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