Chapter Nine

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We got home and Billy parked in his drive way when he got out he was kind enough to move his seat up to let me and Max out but let's just say his words weren't the nicest. "Hurry your ass up Harrington, I don't fucking have all day." I got out the car and flipped him off as I was walking to my house while Max carried the bags. I could hear him scoff and slam his door and start following us to my house. We got inside and Max set all the bags on the counter and I started taking everything out the bags while Billy just sat there leaning against the kitchen island. Suddenly the phone started going off "Hey Max can you go get that and see who it is." The phone wasn't far but I was putting stuff away so I couldn't grab it a couple seconds later she said hi and asked who was calling "Her name is Nancy Wheeler and she wants to ask you something." I nodded my head and walked over to the other side of the kitchen and leaned against the counter as I grabbed the phone.

"Hey Nancy what's up?" The confusion in my voice was obvious "You know how last year we went to the battle of the bands?" I could already hear the smirk on her face "Yeah why?" I liked the battle of the bands when we went but that was a year ago so why would she be bringing it up now.  "Well I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, your favorite boy is going to be playing again." Not this again "Nancy he's not my favorite boy and you know that, his band is good that's it." I could hear her scoff before she spoke up "Y/n you used to look at him all the time and last year you only watched his band, every other band that came on you didn't care for but when it came to his band your eyes were wide open and you listened like your life depends on it." I rolled my eyes wishing that she could see them. "Nance, Eddie Munson doesn't even know who I am let alone does he even pay attention to me." This immediately caught Billy's attention "y/n if that was true then he wouldn't stare at you all the time hell word around is that he feels something towards you but is too scared to say anything because you're a Harrington." I've never once seen him look at me except for at the battle of the bands last year and then I didn't hear a single word about him liking me. "Mhm sure, anyways when is it?" Billy looked pissed for no reason, it was like he was jealous. "This Saturday coming up, I'll pick you up at 7." She sounded serious but also happy that I agreed to go with her. "Alright bye Nancy." She bid her goodbye and then I hung up.

I put the phone up and started grabbing what we needed for the brownies while Max and Billy were just chilling near the island. Luckily in the cabinet we had a box of brownie mix so we didn't have to do it from scratch. I put everything on the stove while I turned it on so it could preheat while we made the mix. "Max, Billy, come wash your hands." They booth shook their heads and Max went first and then Billy and then me. "I thought I wasn't doing this, I'm just heard to supervise." Really? Him as our supervisor? He would just be a dick the whole time if he sat around. "Yes Billy all of us are working together, now max can you please pour the mix in the bowl." She got the mix and poured it into the bowl making sure to not spill it anywhere. "Alright Billy can you add the water while I oil the pan, just look at the box to see how much you need." He rolled his eyes at me telling him what to do, but it wasn't him actually being pissed off. It was more along the lines of him playing around.

I started oiling the pan when max spoke up "Y/n, do you like anyone." That little shit, I can't tell if she's actually asking or if this is another plan. "Well, I don't really know how I feel. Why?" I could see Billy looking at me and max while he started pouring the water in. I finished oiling the pan and I turned to max. "Well I know someone who likes you." Once again she has a smirk on her face, this is definitely another plan. I can feel it. "Who?" Just as I asked her who, Billy started aggressively mixing the batter and once again he started giving off that weird jealousy vibe. "Oh you already know. Isn't that what you and your friend was talking about anyways." Billy slid the bowl over to me aggressively as I poured the batter into the pan. "Well sorta, anyways who wants the bowl?" Instantly Max shot up, so I handed her the bowl. I got a bit of better off the spatula with my finger and looked at Billy and put a on his nose. "Stop looking so pissed off Hargrove." He wiped he batter off and stared me down while I licked the rest of the batter off my finger. I couldn't tell what his expression was, it was one I haven't seen him do yet he's weird I swear. Time goes by and while everyone is sitting on the couch I go and check on the brownies and they were done I took them out and turned off the oven and set them in the counter to cool.

I heard the front door open and close "Why the hell is he here?" Steve sounded drunk, I walked into the living room and as I assumed. He was drunk. "He brought his step sister over so we could make brownies, this is Max." She did a little wave and Steve just nodded his head. "Come on let's get you to bed and then I'll bring you a brownie in a bit, okay?" We started walking to his room and then he stopped and turned to me "Sorry for leaving you at that party y/n basically Nancy told me she didn't love me so I left. I'm going to ask her about it tomorrow though." He slurred his words. "It's okay, and that sounds like a good plan." We started walking again and we went into his room and I moved his blanket back so he could lay down in his bed and as soon as he did he basically knocked out which doesn't surprise me. I came back out to the living room and no one was there, I walked into the kitchen and Max and Billy were putting like 7 brownies into a container to take back to their house. "Thanks for saving me and Steve some." Max look at me and just smiled and we all walked to the door "Goodnight guys stay safe." They said goodnight and went home. I locked the door and went up to my room to go take a shower and brush my teeth for the night, once I finished with that I went to bed.

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