Chapter Eleven

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The car ride just basically consisted of Dustin ranting and Steve turning up the music until I spoke up. "You like Max don't you?" Dustin looked shocked like he couldn't believe that I would find out but come on, it was noticeable whenever Max walked up to us. "No- no I don't."  When he stuttered he immediately gave his answer. Steve rolled his eyes and pulled into Dustin's driveway. He was quick to get out and didn't even say goodbye before he basically ran into his house. "Yeah of course Henderson, you're welcome. Yeah, anyday." Steve kept mumbling while we pulled out of the driveway and made our way home. I looked out of the window and looked at everything outside. You could point out every tree branch on a tree and you could even see what the mailboxes looked like which is something you couldn't do when riding with Billy. He drives like a maniac but the thrill is amazing if I'm being honest. We finally made it home and when I looked over at Billy's house while getting out of the car once again I saw Rebecca with him. Honestly my jealousy is going to be the death of me. She was leaning against his car while he was walking towards her like he just came out of the house. "Come on y/n let's go." Steve was snapping his finger at me to tell me to hustle which I gladly did. I didn't want to look at Billy and Rebecca together at all. We hurried up and ran inside before Billy and his girlfriend could see me.

I went to my room and set my bag down on the floor and put on some comfy clothes and just as I was about to pull out my science homework Steve knocked on my door. I told him to come in and he closed the door behind him and sat on my bed facing me. "I don't know what's going on between you and Hargrove but I don't like it." I scoffed at what he said. He has nothing to worry about anyways, obviously he's pretty occupied with Rebecca but give it a day he'll probably be pouncing onto Tina or something. "Nothing is going on between me and him, I'm friends with his sister. That's all." As soon as he rolled his eyes I knew that he didn't believe me, but hell I wouldn't believe me either when all I've actually been doing is spending time with Billy and Max but key words, AND MAX. I've been around him that much because of Max. That's all. Nothing more, and nothing less.

"I know you, y/n. It's obvious that you've been getting jealous any time he's flirting or making out with other people. Just admit it."  If I admit it then I have to actually face the fact that I get jealous and that I possibly feel something for Billy which we all know isn't going to end well with his reputation. Oh well, what could it possibly hurt to admit it to Steve. "Okay fine, maybe I do get a bit jealous but I don't care." Now I was the one rolling my eyes. Steve was about to say something but then he got cut off by the door bell ringing. I looked over at him and mouthed "Did you invite someone over?" He shook his head no while he quietly got up and we made our way to the front door. Right as we got to the door the bell rang again. I hid behind Steve and when he opened up the door I peaked over his shoulder and I saw max with her skateboard and a couple dollars in her hand "Billy wants to talk to y/n if that's okay." Steve turned around to look at me and I just nodded my head and he scooted over so I could walk out the door which he followed me onto the porch and he stood there while me and Max made our way over to Billy who was leaning against the end of his car with a lit cigarette in between his lips.

"What do you want Hargrove." He took one long drag before flicking the cigarette onto the driveway and putting it out with his shoe. He blew the smoke into mine and Max's faces and while she was coughing and I was rolling my eyes Billy smirked and sent me a wink. "I want you to go to a party with me tonight." Is he fucking serious right now. He was just tongue deep into Rebecca's face less than an hour ago and now he wants me to go to a party with him. "Hell no." I turned away so I could go back home but he grabbed my wrist and turned me back around so I was facing him. Max looked down at the ground while she announced that she was going to go to the arcade and sped off as fast as she could on her skateboard. I could feel Steve staring me and Billy down and honestly with the grip billy has on me right now it's really tempting me to just scream for Steve so I can go back home. "Y/n stop being a pussy and just go. You're not gonna die." His grip got even tighter and I could already tell that there was going to be a mark. "Fine, I'm only staying for an hour." My response was good enough for him because he let go of my wrist and started making his way towards the front of his car. "Meet me right here at 8:00." I nodded my head and sped walked back to Steve. He looked pissed the closer I got to him. Him and Billy were staring each other down like their life's depended on it. "Come on Steve let's go back inside." I pulled his arm and he went with me inside the house but he was quick to lock it.

"What the hell did he want?" I know that he is just trying to look out for me but honestly if looks could kill, right now me and Billy would both be dead 100 times over again and Billy's not even here. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen and Steve was hot on my trail "He wanted me to go to a party with him. That's all." His eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Are you crazy y/n?!?" Says him when he's acting like this. He snatched the grapes out of my hand that I got out of the fridge. "I'll be fine Steve, I'm literally seventeen. I'm old enough to take care of myself." But all he could do was scoff and walk away while shoving grapes into his mouth "Good luck y/n." I could barely comprehend him because of the fact that he was walking away and his mouth is full. I have a few hours to relax and then get dressed. So I went ahead and finished my homework and then hopped into a shower and did everything that I needed to do in the bathroom. I looked over at my clock and I still have almost two hours which leaves me time to do my hair and makeup and then get dressed. I went over to my closet and got my bra and underwear and socks out and then grabbed a Black Sabbath shirt out and some black jeans and my my docs. I put everything on and made sure to put on deodorant and perfume. Now onto hair and makeup. I know I shouldn't try too hard to impress Billy but at the same time I want to. I started doing my hair and made sure all the curls looked good and decent before I hair-sprayed everything to keep it in place. I still have 30 minutes left.

I got up to put on a different mix tape and the first song was Should I stay or Should I go. It was a super good song and it reminded me of Will because it's his favorite song but it also brings back bad memories of that year. It's only been a year since the disappearance and then the reappearance of Will Byers. Since then anytime I see Will I've gotten very protective over him. I've almost fought three different eighth graders for calling him Zombie boy. I know a good lawyer too so I could've gotten away with it but Will stopped me. I put on some lipgloss, mascara, and some glittery eyeshadow so hopefully my eyes pop. By the time I finished that I had three minutes to leave and walk to Billy's driveway. I ran out of my room after turning all the lights and music off and ran to the living room where Steve was sitting down and watching some movie. "I'm going to go, love you Steve." He snapped his head up as I opened the front door. "Stay safe, y/n. If you need me, call me. Love you." I nodded my head and walk onto the front porch and closed the door behind me. When I looked over at Billy's driveway he was already there at his car waiting for me. I made my way over to the passenger side door and as I opened the door Billy opened his door and sat down and slammed it shut. I sat down in the passenger seat and shut the door. He looked at himself in the rear view mirror and literally winked at himself, like what the hell.

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