Chapter Seven

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As soon as we parked in their drive way Billy was quick to get out, it was like he completely forgot that me and max was there. I got out and moved my seat so Max could get out and then moved it back and closed my door. Billy was standing on the porch staring me and Max down. "Well I had a lot of fun today Max, remember you can come over whenever you want and if thing gets too hectic in your home my doors wide open." Right after I finished my sentence she pulled me into a hug, "Thank you y/n it means a lot... you should eat dinner with us tonight. It'll be good." She said as she let go of me and started messaging with the hem of her shirt. I don't know how I feel about eating dinner at their house after Billy came into my room at almost three in the morning bc of his dad. I would have to pretend that I don't know anything but obviously Max wants me there. "Sure what time?" I looked back at Billy and with no surprise he was still there watching us "7:30 sharp." I turned my attention back to Max and she had her hand stuck out so we could shake on it "Alright I'll be there." I shook my hand and after that we parted ways.

I got inside my house and just as before it was quiet. I didn't have much to do until it was time to go across the street so I basically just lounged around for awhile. I tidied up my room and my bathroom and took out the trash. I made sure to do all my chores even though when Steve gets home he's most likely going to go straight to bed and then mom and dad still aren't going to be back yet but now at least the chores are out of my hair. I looked at my watch and it's was 7:26, I went to the mirror to make sure I looked decent and I made sure to spray perfume before I headed out. By the time I made it out my house and to the Hargrove/Mayfield residence it was 7:29. I knocked on the door and Max opened the door with a huge grin on her face. "You made it y/n, thank you." I gave her a hug and then I walked in.

The house was nice and spacious. In the living room my eye was instantly drawn the the green chimney but it was more of a greenish blue but not teal and more green. There was a baby pink lamp and a jar of seashells on top. If you look straight ahead it leads to the dining room and if you look to your right there is a hallway leading to all the bedrooms and bathrooms. "Max can you and your friend go get Billy and tell him it's time for dinner?" An older woman's voice came from the kitchen but she didn't walk out. The sound of a truck pulling into the drive way distracted me for a moment before Max told me to follow her. As we were walking down the hallway with all the bedrooms we stopped at the first door on the right. You could hear rock music playing but not loud enough to get complained at.

We knocked once and there wasn't a reply so we knocked again and this time we heard footsteps walking to the door and as the door opens Billy he is standing there with a wife beater on and his normal denim pants and he still had his shoes on. His room smelled like a mix of cigarettes and cologne and I would be lying if I said it didn't mix decently. He opened the door wide enough where you could see his bed which was halfway made. On the wall next to his bed he had two posters up one was a Metallica poster and the other one was some random poster. There was a red sheet curtain thing covering up the window that was at the head of his bed and his nightstand had his phone and some of his other things on it like an ashtray and a pack of cigarettes and a couple lighters. I was just about to tell him it's dinner time but I was interrupted by someone slamming the front door closed and stomping to the kitchen and it took me by surprise and made me jump a little.

Billy grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room "Look my dad is going to be complete dick during dinner, that's just how he always is so if he says something hurtful just ignore him. Okay?" I nodded my head and he lead the way to the dinning room as me and max followed behind him. Sitting in one of the seats was an older guy with short brown hair and he had a brown mustache he looked pissed off and already I knew this wasn't going to be good. He looked up at us and scanned each one of us up and down. "So who is this random girl? Another one of your random hookups Billy?" Ouch I wouldn't give myself up to him that easy to just be another one of his hookups but once again that pang of jealousy was back

"No sir, she's my friend I met. Her name is y/n Harrington." Max grabbed my hand and smiled up at me but she didn't have to look up much, she wasn't that much shorter than me and in no time she's going to be taller than me. "Oh, she's an Harrington. The rich ones from across the street. Why don't you have a special seat then right next to me then." I looked over at Billy and I could see his jaw clenching, I let go of Max's hand and made my way to the chair on the right side of Mr. Hargrove. The table looked like it normally sat four people one on each of the four sides but on the right side there was two chairs. I sat down and then Max sat across from me and Billy sat next to me.

An older woman who had pale skin that matched with her red hair and blue eyes that closely resembled Max came walking out of the kitchen with a dish in her hands she set it down and I immediately knew what it was. My favorite, chicken parmigiana. She went around the table and put two pieces on everyone's plate and then got everyone glasses of water except for Mr.Hargrove. He got handed a beer, as he was opening it up he looked over at me "So y/n tell me about your life. How about your family?" Of course he decided to ask about a touchy subject and I feel like he did that on purpose. I put my fork in my chicken and started cutting off a piece.

"Well at home it's just me, my brother, and my parents. My parents aren't the closest to us but they still support us and try to be there the best they can while they're away."  I didn't need to tell him the truth, it's not like he deserved to know my full life story anyways. "Why are you friends with my daughter Maxine?" I finished chewing before I responded so I'm not disrespectful. "Well on her first day I was walking to go pick up a friend of mine from the middle school and I happened to walk by her and I stopped her to compliment her and after that we've became friends." I looked over at Max and I expected to see her smile but you could tell she was stressed. I continued to eat my food as Max's mom introduced herself and then introduced her husband. I couldn't say much because I was chewing so I just nodded my head every now and then.

"I'm surprised how you're not just trying to be a slut like every other girl in this town and get in Billy's pants or is that what you're actually waiting for?" My jaw dropped, I can't believe he would say that. I get it if he was thinking it but like don't say it out loud. I didn't even know what to say in regards to what he said and no one else did either until Max spoke up. "She isn't like that, she is very kind and sweet and wouldn't put herself out there like that. She is in check with her self worth sir." I could see that Billy's dad got surprised by what Max said, as if he didn't really believe that I'm not trying to sleep with Billy until now. I felt a hand go to my thigh and give it a reassuring squeeze. It was Billy. Once again no one said anything until everyone was finished. I helped Max's mom with the dishes while I thanked her for the food and I mentioned how it was my favorite "I'll make sure to make it more often just for you then y/n." I smiled at her and dried my hands off as we finished.

No one was in the dining room so I made my way to the living room, there was just Billy's dad so I'm assuming Max was in her room. I turned to go down the hallway to her room but once again he started saying hateful comments. "Just so you know, putting up an act and acting the way you do isn't going to make him like you ever. Keep that in mind sweetheart." I heard a door open and close and footsteps coming my way, I got grabbed by my wrist and pulled into that same cigarette smell filled room. Billy closed the door behind me and dragged me over to the bed and sat me down. "I'll be over at midnight alright? I'll come check up on you and make sure you're not actually listening to the bullshit he's saying." I couldn't stand being in this house anymore. I've had enough for one night,  I stood up and walked to his bedroom door and left and made my way to Max's room. I told her goodbye and gave her a hug, with that I made my way through the house biding my goodbyes and walked out the door and went home.

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