Chapter Fourteen

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We threw our bikes down and walked to the door dustin rang the bell like 5 times before Mr. Wheeler opened the door. "You know that your line has been busy for two and a half hours now?" Mr. Wheeler didn't looked amused at all. "Oh trust me, I know." I looked over at Dustin and he didn't look amused either that Mr. Wheeler is giving him blunt responses but that's what Mr. Wheeler is known for. Being dry and emotionally unavailable.

"Do you know where Mike is?" Dustin still sounded out of breath. Mr Wheeler turned to face inside his house and yelled to Mrs. Wheeler asking where Mike was "Will's!" He turned back to us and repeated what she had said as if we didn't hear her. "What about Nancy?" I asked and just like the question about Mike he turned inside and yelled to Mrs. Wheeler the same question I had just asked "Allie's" you could hear how irritated she was. Mr wheeler repeated what she said and then continued on "Our kids don't live here anymore, didn't you know that...Am I done here now?" Me and Dustin rolled our eyes "Son of a bitch. You know you're really not helpful at all." Dustin said as we started walking away "Hey! Language!" Mr Wheeler yelled before he closed the door.

We grabbed our bikes to get on them and go wherever dustin needed to go to next when a familiar maroon bmw pulled up and out of the drivers seat Steve's head popped up when he got out. In his hands were red roses and he was talking to himself.  "Steve!" Me and Dustin yelled in unison. He snapped his head over at us while we were walking over to him "Are those flowers for Mrs.Wheeler?" Steve looked at Dustin like he was dumb "Well Nancy's not home." I said as I started walking to his car to get in and Dustin snatched the flowers out of his hand and got to the passenger side door. "Well where is she?" I rolled my eyes and opened up my door to get in "We have more problems to worry about than your love life." God damn Dustin. That is one thing I like about him, he has no filter.

"Also do you still have that bat?" Dustin said while leaning against the open car door. "What bat?" Is Steve seriously this stupid. It's the only bat he even carries around. "The one with the nails dumbass." I can't handle his stupidity right now. "Yeah, why?" His face had confusion written all over it and it was kinda funny. "Just get in the damn car and I'll explain on the way." Dustin said as he sat down in the passenger seat and closed the door. Steve jogged around to the drivers seat and got in and started the car. While we were driving back to Dustin's house he was explaining to Steve what was going on "Wait how big again?" Steve looked over at dustin for a split second and then looked back to the road. "Started about this big." He used his thumb and his pointer finger to measure around a few inches and held his hands fingers up to show Steve. Steve nodded his head as he did a quick look. "Then he got around this big." Dustin held up both of his hands but held them a bit over 2 1/2 feet apart. "Are you sure this wasn't just a lizard?" Steve said as he glanced over at Dustin. "I'm sure it's not just a lizard." He said slightly raising his voice to prove his point. "It sounds like it's just a lizard." Steve really is dumb isn't he. "He opens up his mouth when he growled at me, it's literally a demogorgon baby." Steve's eyes got wide and he glanced at me through the rear view mirror. "Plus he ate my cat." Steve looked at me again for confirmation and I nodded my head. No one said anything for the rest of the drive to Dustin's house.

When we got there we parked and Dustin handed me a flashlight out of his bag and he took another one that he had in his bag also. We turned them on and walked to the trunk with Steve because that's where he keeps his bat. He grabbed it and all three of us looked at each other with looks that said 'what the hell did we get into'. Dustin and I led the way to the Storm cellar. "Me and y/n are going to stay up here and guard the door, Steve you're gonna go down there." I rapidly shook my head in agreement to what Dustin said. No way in hell was I going to go down there. "Why me, why is it always me?" Steve protest and he rolled his eyes. "Because you're the oldest and plus because Dustin said so." Once again he rolled his eyes, it's the main thing the Harringtons know how to do. We roll our eyes constantly. He snatched Dustin's flashlight out of his hands and as me and Dustin opened the cellar doors he started walking down the stairs mumbling something under his breath. A couple minutes had passed and Steve still didn't come back up, it was really starting to worry me but then suddenly he started yelling for us.

"You two, come down here right now!" Me and Dustin looked at each other and then he signaled for me to go first. I went down the steps and stood next to Steve who was in the middle of the room with his bat hanging off his shoulder while he pointed the flashlight at the stairs so Dustin and I could see where we were walking. When Dustin got to us that's when Steve started talking. "Well whatever it is that you two put in here, isn't in here anymore." He shined the light over at the wall and there was a hole in the wall that was a tunnel. That bitch made a tunnel out of here. We have a baby demogorgon out on the loose. We seriously have a baby demogorgon out on the loose. This is a serious major issue.

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