Chapter Six

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I woke up the next morning with Billy nowhere to be seen, maybe I was just dreaming because the window is closed and his stuff that he took off isn't here. I had slept in until 12:30, it's Saturday anyways so I'm fine. I went to the bathroom and did what I needed to do to get ready for the day. After I finished up in the bathroom I walked to my bedroom to go get some breakfast when out of the corner of my eye I saw a piece of paper on my desk and I know I didn't leave that there yesterday. I walked closer to my desk and picked it up. "Don't tell anyone about what I told you Harrington, also start keeping your window unlocked -Billy."  Well never mind, he was actually here. I rolled my eyes as I set the note down and walked over to my window to make sure it's unlocked.

I went out my room and made my way to the kitchen, the house was oddly quiet. I would've assumed that at this time Steve would be watching a movie or listening to music or something but the house was completely empty and once again there's another note on the kitchen table. What the hell is it with everyone leaving notes. "I went out to go do some things I'll be back by 8pm- Steve" I love all the details in his note, he gave an amazing explanation to where he went but whatever that gives me more time to eat and then go back to bed. I rolled my eyes as I sent down the note and I grabbed a banana and sat down in one of the kitchen chairs and ate in peace. Sometimes I like how quiet it is in the house whenever everyone is out and then other times it's sad, mom and dad are never home and Steve is grown up now and soon when he moves out it's just going to be here by myself most of the time. I finished off my banana and walked back to my room and laid back down.

Someone knocking on my front door snapped me awake "I'm coming!" I made my way over to door and opened it up and staring at me with a smile was Max with her skateboard in hand. "Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the arcade with me? It wouldn't be that far of a walk only like 15 minutes." I just couldn't say no to her without feeling guilty. "Yeah of course, I just need to get dressed first. You can come in and wait if you want." How did she even know where I lived though, we talked once that's all unless Dustin told her but from what I knew, they weren't super close yet. "I actually have to run and go tell Billy that you said it was okay and then I'll come back." I nodded my head as she turned on her heels and made her way down the porch.

I closed the door and ran back to my room. I went to my closet and pulled out a pair of denim pants and a emerald sweater and my black chuck Taylor's. I slipped everything on and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair. Once I finished that I put on some chapstick and grabbed some radom change I had on my desk and walked out my room. Max wasn't in the living room so I went ahead and grabbed my house key and walked out the door making sure to lock it behind me. Across the street I see Billy yelling at Max while she's ignoring him and walking over to my drive way. I walked down my steps and met her at the end of my drive way "Are you all ready Max?" I could tell that whatever Billy was yelling at her for really pissed her off "Yeah let's go." And with that we started walking down the road to make our way to the arcade.

"So how did you find out where I lived?" She looked nervous to tell me "Well Billy got home super early this morning at around nine and I asked him where he was because his car was still in the drive way and after telling me to leave him alone multiple times he finally said he was at your house and I instantly remembered you from when you complimented me."  So Billy tells me not to tell anyone yet he can go around telling his sister, okay.  "Oh, well um that's nice I suppose. So Max, tell me about yourself. Why did you move to Hawkins?" I nudged her side a little to cheer her up yet it looks like me asking her why she moved to Hawkins brought her energy down a bit. "Well originally me, my mom, and my dad all lived in California together but then my parents spilt up and my mom met Billy's dad and they got together and got married and then they decided to move down here and took me and Billy along with them."

I didn't know if I should comfort her or not so I just decided to nod my head and change the topic "So why did you ask me to go to the arcade?" I truly was curious about it anyways, she could've asked Billy and she could've rode in his car or she could've just went and met up with some of her friends possibly even Dustin and the gang. "You seemed pretty nice and cool and plus I'm not super close with anyone yet and Billy is going to some girls house for a bit but he said he can pick me and you up at 4:30." I don't know what it was but when she said he is going to a girls house I felt a pang of jealousy, obviously I don't have the right to feel jealous since it's not my place but for some reason I still do. "Well I'm glad you asked because I can't wait, I haven't been to the arcade in a long time." After around 10 more minutes of walking and talking we made it to the arcade. It was a Saturday so it was sorta busy. I gave max a few dollars and told her to go play whatever she wanted which she happily took.

I noticed that she ran to one certain game Dig Dug. It was Dustin's favorite game and he had the highest score out of anyone but when I looked at the score board "MADMAX" had the highest score. I remember Dustin telling me about a person named MADMAX but I never made that connect that MADMAX was Max. "How did you and Dustin even learn about each other?" She was super focused on the game but was able to answer my question with ease "Basically him and all his little friends were watching me while at school and I wrote them a little note and dropped it near the trash can so they could read it." That actually doesn't surprise me that they were just watching her from afar and was obviously seen. They've never been super sneaky at times. 

We continued to play some games and before we knew it the clock showed 4:30pm. Me and Max made our way out of the doors just as Billy was pulling in. The sound from his loud engine and then his loud music was too much going on at one time. "Hurry your ass up you two, I don't got all day." We rolled our eyes as we made our way over to Billy and he moved the passenger seat up so Max could get in the back and then he moved it back so I could get in. None of us said anything while in the car, all you could hear was the engine and the music.

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