Chapter Five

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Three knocks on my window woke me up in the middle of the night. I looked over at my clock and it showed 2:37am. It's probably just some trees or something, possibly even a bird. As I'm trying to fall back asleep I hear the same three knocks again, I pull back my curtain and I'm met face to face with Billy Hargrove. The moon isn't giving much light but I'm still able to see the bruise that's on his face and the cut that is on his bottom lip. There was a bit of dried blood under his lip like he wiped his lips when it was bleeding and a bit of blood accidentally got there. "Come on y/n open the window, I'm freezing out here." I do as he says and opened my window and he steps right in and walks over to my bed and sits down "What the hell are you doing here at three in the morning Billy" I closed the window and faced him while crossing my arms "Calm your tits. It's not even three in the morning yet."

I rolled my eyes and made my way towards my bed to go look at Billy's face, when I went to touch his face he flinched away like he was scared I was going to hit him. "Hey hey hey it's okay. I just want to look at your cut to see if I need to clean it or not." He nodded he head and when I went to reach for him again he let me touch him this time. I moved his lips apart so I could get a good look at the cut, it looked like it was already scabbing up so there would be no need to clean anything except for all the dried blood. "Wait right here." I went to my bathroom and got some rubbing alcohol on a washrag. It might hurt like a bitch near the cut but it'll clean it good. I came back into my room and Billy was looking through my photo albums but it was one certain photo album. It was the one where I picked a flower from wherever that picture was taken and I pressed it and put in into the page with the picture. It was my favorite photo album out of all the ones I have.

"Alright come sit down." He closed the album and took off his boots and sat down on my bed and faced the head of the bed where he left room for me to sit down in front of him instead of standing up to do it. "This might sting so keep that in mind." I started with cleaning the blood from under his lip and then I moved onto his lip where the cut was, once I brought it near the cut he hissed in pain and squeezed my wrist. It's understandable so I'm not mad but it would be amazing if he could possibly not squeeze the wrist that I'm using to clean up the cut. I used my other hand to take his wrist off "sorry." I just ignored his sorry because he had nothing to be sorry for. I used my free hand to grab one of his hands to hold it so at least then he can squeeze on my freehand. Every now and then he would squeeze my hand but for the most part he was fine, after every time he would squeeze my hand he would rub his thumb up and down my hand as an im sorry. I could seem him look up at my eyes and then down to my lips multiple times. I'm not going to think much of it because he's probably tired and doesn't know where to look.

"Alright you're all done." I got up and put the washrag in the hamper and sat back down. I lightly put my hand on the side of his face and I carefully rubbed his cheek making sure to not touch the bruise and he leaned his head farther onto my hand and closed his eyes, I never did truly realize how good and long his eyelashes are until now. He looked calm and his breathing was getting to a normal pace now "Billy what happened?" I made sure to calmly and softly ask so I wouldn't startle him too much. He sat there quietly for a minute contemplating whether or not he was going to be honest with me. "It was my dad, I thought it was just going to be a simple argument but like normal he took it too far." He tried to lean his head even farther into my hand for comfort but he was as far as he could go. The saddest part about what he said is the fact that his dad normally hits him and beats him and I'm scared how far he's went before. Has Billy been hurt so bad before that he had to get sent to a hospital? Has this always been going on?

A million questions were going through my head when Billy got my attention "Stand up" his voice was stern and serious but quiet to not wake Steve up "wait why?" I said with confusion laced in my voice "Just stand up." I listened to what he said and stood up, he moved my blankets back and made room for someone to lay down underneath the blankets. He then stood up and took of his shirt and took of his pants and stood there in his underwear, I quickly covered my eyes while he just laughed at my reaction. He got in bed and laid closest to the walled and then signaled me to lay next to him. It's too early in the morning to argue and I don't want to wake Steve up so I just went ahead and laid down with him. He put the blankets on us and scooted closer to me until his head was on my chest he wrapped his arms around my waist. Well, he moved one of his arms to pick up my hand and place it on his head.  I swear he acts like a kid who just wants to be held and loved on. He put his arm back to where it was once I stared running my hands through his hair and slowly he started to fall asleep and so did I.

Flower Girl (Billy Hargrove)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang