Chapter four

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After witnessing all of that it was enough entertainment for me and I went on my way to find Steve and Nancy. Once again I had to push my way through people but after a bit I found the in a corner together with Steve's arm around her shoulder and Nancy had a cup in her hand and they were just looking around "Oh hey y/n, are you okay?" Nancy was already slurring her words a bit so I'm assuming that's her second or third cup while I still haven't even finished my first one but I mean like now would be a good time to finish it since I'm near the kitchen anyways. "Yeah Nance I'm all good." Just like normal she gets shocked every time I say her nickname because of how rarely I use it. I chugged the rest of my drink and made my way over to the punch bowl again. I filled my cup and went back to the couple except this time Billy and two of his friends were making their way over to us.

You could smell the sweat and beer coming from their bodies as soon as they stood in front of us. "Meet the new keg king Harrington." "Just wait, he's already basically replaced your spot as the king of Hawkins." Billy's eyes shifted back and forth from me and Steve while he just acted like a drunk asshole just like his friends. "Alright go away that's enough." Tommy H obviously didn't like my response to them being dickheads because he just started insulting me "You're telling us to go away but look at you. You use your brother for popularity and you can't pull anyone and you know that y/n. Dumb bitch." And after that Tommy H walked away with an attitude and I walked the other direction and out the front door. Once I stepped outside the could fall air hit me and made my cheeks flush as I drank the rest of my second cup and threw it on the ground. One more cup won't hurt anything anyways, there's trash and people all on the grass so what's the difference. I started making my way down the driveway to Steve's car when suddenly I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I kept walking anyways. "I swear you're always running away and I just met you today." He's not wrong though, I've been running away from him all day and I would like to keep it that way yet like normal he caught up to me and stopped me but this time he didn't grab my shoulder. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to face him.

"What do you want Hargrove." His face didn't look like he was concerned but his eyes did. His face looks stone cold yet his eyes said everything. "What's your problem y/n, why would you even let Tommy H get to you." Why did I let Tommy H get to me, he literally just does whatever he can for the attention from others. Him and his girlfriend are attention whores, they were so bad to deal with when they stuck around Steve and even slut shamed Nancy which was completely disgusting. I didn't talk to Steve for days after that until Nancy started talking to him again. "I don't know why, I guess maybe because I'm scared he's right. I'm known as Steve's little sister no matter how many times I've tried to make a name of my own." I leaned back against a car that was behind me and when I looked at it, it was Billy's car. "Well then make a fucking name for yourself just like I did." He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the house and back to the back yard where all the kegs where. I knew exactly what he was getting at now. He wanted me to do the keg and try to break the record.

"Everyone come around, it's time to watch y/n Harrington do her thing!" He sounded like one of those circus announcers trying to get everyone into the tint to watch the show. After a couple seconds there was a whole group. I got up to the keg and got into position to do the kegstand. If I'm being completely honest, I'm scared for my fucking life right now. I put the nossel in my mouth as Billy held my legs " 47..48...49..50..51..52..53..54..55..56" I spit the nossel out and got back down as everyone was cheering "our new keg king and queen everyone!" I looked over at Billy and he gave me a wink. I pushed through the group and made my way through the house. I needed to find Nancy and Steve because I wanted to go home. I feel sick after doing the keg. I looked all around and I couldn't find them that's when I went outside and saw that Steve's car was gone.

He seriously left me behind. I took off my heels that were killing my feet and started my walk home. I made it ten minutes into my 40 minute walk when a loud engine came up behind me and once again it was Billy and some girl in the passenger seat. I'm not surprised. "Y/n what are you doing? Where the hell is your ride." As I kept walking he kept slowly moving his car to keep at pace with me. "Steve left so I'm walking home. It's not that hard to understand." The girl was rubbing all up on Billy and it was dusting like she was kissing all down the side of his neck and everything and he just didn't seem interested at all. I feel bad for the poor girl but I know in the morning she's going to be all excited to be the first one in town to sleep with Billy. Well who knows, she might not even be the first one he obviously was there before I was and by the time we got there he didn't have a shirt on. Just his leather jacket and his pants. We sorta matched in a way.

"Y/n stop walking and get in the car, I'll take you home after I drop her off." So I'm assuming they already slept together at the party. Gross, you don't know what you could catch in that house. "I think I'm good, go take your girlfriend home. I'll be fine." I heard him sigh as the girl next to him spoke up "Yeah just listen to her, baby.  If you drop me off now we have time to do it again before my parents get home." Well that just confirmed my earlier thought. "Y/n get in the fucking car before I have to pick you up and put you in here." I rolled my eyes as he got out to move his seat up so I could get in the back. The whole car ride to drop the girl off was just him listening to rock music while she was kissing him all over still and just like before I got in, he didn't really care for it. We dropped her off and once she got out Billy made me move to the passenger seat. "So where do you live." I guess he didn't see me and Steve earlier when he was walking to his car.

"Well I actually live across the street from you. I saw you walking outside to your car all pissed and that's when I found out." I was looking out the window but out of the corner of my eye I saw him shift in his seat like he was uncomfortable or something. "Alright whatever." I pissed him off by simply replying to his questions, this man has some serious anger issues. We got to his drive way and I got out and walked back home, when I got into my drive way a man who looks around 40 or so came outside yelling at Billy asking him where the hell he's been and yelled at Billy to get inside and then slammed the door behind him. I got inside my house and locked the door as I was walking to my room I noticed that at the end of the hallway Steve's bedroom light was on. I'll just check on him in the morning and ask him where he went because I'm too tired right now. I closed my bedroom door behind me and changed into night clothes and fell asleep.

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