Chapter three

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"Flower girl" that's all I could think about for the rest of the day. Obviously he didn't say it with any meaning but something about it is so nice. Me and Billy got through the rest of the day perfectly fine, I focused on my work while he had girls going at him nonstop. Maybe he will be the new King, with all the attention he's getting I honestly wouldn't doubt it for a second. "Hey can you help me pass out these flyers?" I looked over to Tina with bright orange flyers in her hand. It was for her halloween party she's hosting tonight, before every party she hands out flyers as the finial warning to show up or be lame and miss it. Almost every other night I'm dragged to a new party that Tina is hosting and yeah it's fun but at times it's too much.

"Yeah sure." I grabbed a stack and walked back over to the school doors with Tina. As kids fled out we handed the flyers out, I only had one left in my hand and it was snatched out of my hand "Hey! What the hell is your problem dude." and right in front of me stood Billy examining the flyer "Sorry flower girl, are you going?" He flipped the flyer so it faced me and I nodded my head in confirmation that I'll be there. I could feel dozen of eyes burning into my body like lasers. I swear the kids at this school have a staring problem like no other. I was more stuck on the fact that he called me flower girl to really pay attention to the eyes though. The nickname is different but at the same time it's just because he doesn't know my actual name "Y/n let's go! We have a party to get ready for plus you still have to go grab dustin!" Well he used to not know my name I did a thumbs up to Steve to signal him that I'll be there in a second. "Well then I'll see you later Flower girl." and he gave me a smirk and walked away to his car.

I started making my way over to the Middle school when the same young girl from this morning was coming my way to go to the highschool. "Hey, sorry to bother but I just wanted to say your fiery red hair is amazing and so are your eyes." She went from looking all stressed to having a bright smile on her face "Thank you, I'm Max and you are?" I smiled in return "Oh I'm Y/n Harrington. I like your skateboard, you should teach me one day" I stuck my hand out to shake her hand "Nice name, I would be down to teach you. Well I got to go now I don't want my brother to be mad." She shook my hand and then went on her way. I found Dustin and called him over so we could go home.

We talked about our day and school and he told me about Max because I guess they are friends now or something like that and then I told him about Billy "He seems like a bad dude Y/n, I would watch out." It's so adorable when he tries to look out for me like I'm an older sister to him. It feels nice to be someone's older sister. "I know Dustin, I was just being nice to him since it was his first day that's all." I gave him a smile and when we got over to Steve him and Dustin just high-fived and then we all got in the car. First we dropped off Dustin and then Nancy and then we got home. I looked at my watch and I have around two hours to get ready for this halloween party. I took my bag upstairs and went to my closet. I don't even know what I'm going to be. I do have a leather jacket so I could be sandy. I grabbed out my leather jacket and a velvet black off the shoulder top and tight black jeans because leather pants are too much work. Finally I grabbed a black belt and red heels and set everything neatly in my chair that's at my desk. After I took as shower and got all ready and made sure my hair is curly enough to resemble Sandy's and I even put on the signature red lip.

Me and Steve walked out the door and to the car. I looked across the street and in the drive way is the same car Billy has and then out of the house Billy is stomping outside. So he's our new neighbors, how fun. Max seems cool but Billy is a different story. We got in the car and headed on our way to pick up Nancy for the party. We were only thirty minutes late and somehow there was already people passed out in the front yard. We parked our car and got out and instantly my nose is filled with the smell of weed and cigarettes and beer. The three of us walked in and everyone was doing their thing. We walked to the drinks that was in the kitchen and we all got a cup, well except for Steve since he's going to be the one driving us home. It was punch but it smelt like straight alcohol and it tasted like vodka with a hint of fruit punch. It burned as it went down but the good type of burn that makes you come back for another sip. There was cheering and yelling outside and I was curious about it. "Hey you two, I'm gonna go see what's going on." Steve tried to say something in return but I was already walking away and plus everything was too loud.

After pushing my way through people I finally got outside and in the middle of everyone was Billy on the Keg while everyone was cheering. Billy got back on his feet and spit the remaining beer on everyone. Normally I would've found that repulsive but it was attractive and everyone else seemed to agree too. Everyone was cheering and hyping him up. Looks like he is the new keg king, so he already replaced Steve with something. I rolled my eyes when he sent a wink my way. I don't have a good feeling about this new bad boy.

Flower Girl (Billy Hargrove)Where stories live. Discover now