Chapter Twenty Two

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I had started to clean everything up and organize everything from the mess Billy had made. Tonight had definitely made me do some hard thinking about Billy. The fact that he beat my brother that bad, he was going to hurt Lucas if me and Steve wouldn't have stepped in, he treated Max like a bitch, he flirted with Mrs.Wheeler, and he even put his hands on me. His actions tonight were disgusting and the fact that from what I seen during those moments he didn't have a single ounce of regret. Now when he wakes up that might be different but still.

I still can't shake the thought of him and Mrs. Wheeler flirting out of my head. My jealousy is obvious but the fact that it hurts my heart is confusing. I shouldn't like him that much especially after tonight, it would be wrong but I just want him to work through his problems and get help for his anger and to change into a better person. I don't want the Billy that I witnessed tonight. I want the Billy that I witnessed at that party or when it's just me and him. I want that sweet and soft Billy who's ocean blue eyes are like puppy dog eyes, the one who does anything to make me laugh, the one who tries his hardest to cheer me up. I want that Billy, not the Billy who bloodied up my brother or pushed me multiple times or had Lucas pinned up against a cabinet.

I finished cleaning the kitchen and reorganizing everything. I even reorganized all the stuff that Dustin tossed out of the fridge but I didn't touch the fridge at all. I don't want to have to handle the demodogs dead body by myself. I went outside to the porch and picked up Billy's jacket that I had dropped once I ran inside. I brought it inside and set it on the couch. I left Billy laying on the floor because why not but I at least put a pillow underneath his head. I went to the bathroom and grabbed out a washrag and after some searching I found the rubbing alcohol. I put some on the rag and walked back out to Billy. I moved the few pieces of hair that was on his face out of the way so I could clean the blood off from his nose and his lips. I couldn't do anything about the blood inside of his mouth that I saw while he was talking before he passed out because I'm not about to force this man's mouth open and clean it. Hell no, he can do it by himself when he wakes up. It's sorta crazy how I'm always cleaning his wounds ever since the first day he got here. I put the rag in the laundry room and sat back on the couch and tried to wait as time passed.

About 20 minutes had passed when suddenly the lights got super super bright, like so bright I thought they were going to explode and then they went back to normal. El. She had to have closed the gate. About an hour or so later everyone got back and Billy has yet to wake up but Joyce said to give it another hour and he'll be awake. Will had gotten that thing out of him at Hoppers cabin where him and El had been staying. Then on the way back from the kids and Steve going to the tunnels they stopped and got Steve's car. The boys stayed the night with will and Joyce. Hopper and El bid their goodbyes to everyone and they left to go back to the cabin. Me and Max put Billy in the backseat of his car while Max sat in the passengers seat and I was in the drivers seat. I know how to drive it's just I'm scared of getting my license. Steve had offered Nancy a ride back home to her house but she declined and said she was going to stay at the Byers house.

Steve drove behind me as I drove Billy and Max home. She was telling me everything that had happened in the tunnels and how she drove. I pulled into my driveway so Neil didn't come out yelling at them asking them a ton of questions. Right as I pulled into my driveway Billy started to wake up. "Wait how are we back home?" Max turned to Billy "I'll explain everything later just please when we walk over to the house don't make anything worse." I knew exactly what she meant. She was asking him to not fight with Neil and to just ignore him tonight. He nodded his head as we all got out. "My door is always open in case any of you need to come over." I sent them a soft smile and placed Billy's keys in his hand and walked to the porch where Steve was waiting for me. We went inside and both got ready for bed.

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